Chapter 9: Madness

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Harley and Scarlet rushed inside my house grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door. These two I swear, I let out a breath and ran with them. I tried asking where they were taking me but Harley just looked over his shoulder and smirked at me. I stuck my tongue out and ended up not getting my answer. Before I could ask another question we arrived at our warehouse, Scarlet went behind me and blindfolded me.

"Scarlet!" I screamed

"Shhh its only for a little bit" she whispered into my ear

Harley took my hand and guided me, I could feel Scarlet's jealousy through the blindfold. Man what have I got myself into? I tried not to fall as we walked but I kept on stumbling as we trailed the pavement. A pair of warm hands cupped my face, wait I know these hands! Before I knew it my hand clasped the ones on my cheek. I couldn't see who it was but I knew who it was, I was about to take my blindfold off reaching up to untie it but right as I got my hands on the string.

"Happy Birthday, Naomi" said a husky voice

I could hear fireworks going off and party poppers sounding. Tears welled up in my eyes but then the voice that was right in front of me leaned forward getting closer to me. His lips touched mine and it really did seem like the fourth of July in my heart... The blindfold fell off my face as Elliot pulled back his face flushed. He stood there rubbing the back of his neck.

"Umm umm I am so sorry!" he said turning even more red

I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him back down and kissing him once more. He was surprised at first but then wrapped his arms around my body and pulling me closer. Here I was kissing the boy I was absolutely in love with since the day I met him...


We pulled away from each other, and looked around. Everyone was looking at us giggling and smiling. The twins whispered with Violet who blushed a bright red. I covered my face and turned away from everyone. Oh my I forgot everyone was here!

"Nao" said Harley

I looked at him giving him the death glare "what is it har har?"

He grimaced but then turned serious "Scar and I will take care of the neighboring high school that Derek supposedly controls" he said looking over at Scar

Now you see Harley was named Grim because 1. He never hardly smiled only when he was a total ass and 2. Because when he fought he legit would almost kill someone so we named him Grim Reaper but Grim for short. Scarlet was named Scar because well it was in her name. And me well I haven't gotten a name yet even though I have given everyone names.

I let out a breath and nodded towards Scar and Grim. So it was really time for us to act.. I looked over at Elliot who just smiled. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door without anyone noticing. Derek Sanders was a boy that had it out for me. He didnt like the fact that we kicked his gangs ass in the battle last week so hes taking out all of his anger on me causing a lot more problems for our rivalry schools. I watched as Grim and Scar got into their car. Man they should just date already I mean really its obvious she likes him very much. I shook my head back and forth, No no I need to focus on the objective. I rushed over to my motorcycle jumping on. Elliot rushed out and stepped in front of me, I flipped the visor up on my helmet and glared at him.

"Elliot move" I said growling

He didnt move a inch, I turned off the motor and slid off approaching him. "I swear if you dont let me go I will--"


I fell to the ground with Elliot on top of me his face inches from mine. "What will I do if you die!?" he screamed not looking me in the eyes

"If I lose you I dont know what I would do..." he whispered

I reached up and brushed away his hair "Elliot... you wont lose me I swear by it" I said

He looked me in the eyes, I could see that he was hurt very much but I cant stop being a gang leader for love. He knows my consequences of making the gang.

"I sometimes wished I didnt help start the gang for you.." he said closing his eyes

"If I let you go I am coming with you" he said glaring I let out a breath about to start arguing but ended up closing my mouth as he kissed me roughly again and again getting more and more desperate after each kiss. I held onto him tightly as his kisses got more intimate and intoxicating. He pulled back panting his hair covering his eyes. He slowly stood up and helped me to my feet, I watched as he walked over to my bike and grabbed my spare helmet. Oh that little devil I swear I am going to get him back. I smiled at the thought and jogged over to him hopping onto my bike and starting the engine.

We made to the meeting place of the two high schools, Grim and Scar laid on the ground beaten up.

"Harley! Scarlet!" I screamed rushing to them Elliot close behind

I lifted them up and looked at them "Naomi... Leave... i-it is a trap" said Scarlet slowly falling unconscious

I laid her back on the ground and looked around "Hey let me go!" said a voice

I turned around to see a knife at Elliot's throat. Derek stood behind him his crew walking towards me. I stood my ground I knew I couldn't move or Elliot would be killed on the spot. Derek's crew grabbed me and slammed me to the ground, each punch seemed to bruise every part of me. I laid on the ground as the last guy got one good kick to my face sending me rolling across the ground.

"Now you see this isn't any fun" sang Derek getting closer to the road without knowing it

"How about we spice some things up?" said his right hand man

Derek smiled, I opened my eyes barely and tried getting up. "STAY DOWN YOU BITCH!" said one of the boys punching me square in my stomach

I coughed up blood watching as Derek was about to push Elliot...

"No!!!" I screamed

"Naomi....I... Love.... You" he said right as Derek threw him into the road everyone stood horrified as a diesel barreled down the road. Elliot simply looked at me and smiled as the truck slammed into him... Blood splattered the ground.


"Dude we gotta get out of here!" said Derek's crew pulling him away

"I didn't know there would be a car coming... I thought it was clear" he said stuttering

I tried getting up again "I'LL KILL YOU DEREK!" I screamed after him

Elliot... No just NOOOOO!

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