It's been a while, eh?

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Hello lovelies!

Oh my stars, it's been a year since this was started.  What a year.

I just wanted to thank everyone again.  Honestly, this story was one of two I could actually finish and not discard half way through writing.  More or so because people were interested in it and the work was public lol.  That does wonders for motivation.  It's sure weird looking back at this and um.... It was not good writing-wise.  I could've done better, but hey.  What's done is done.

The fact people still read this astonishes me aswell lol.  I still get a bunch of notifications for people who vote and comment and stuff.  Sometimes it's a bit annoying, other's it's confusing.

But, alas, some of you may wonder, "Well, author, why are you doing this?  Is there something important?"

Um, well, yes and no.  Originally, me and a friend were gonna do a sequel, but unfortunately, we fell outta the fandom before that could really be brought to light.  I still remember all the planning we did for our stories.


I also considered re-writing this for the one year anniversary, but stuff came up IRL that prevented that as well. If you'd wanna see a rewrite, comment I guess?  Idk

But, well, there's not really much else I have to say.  Want a rewrite?  Answer.  And with that, I can finally close off this book.  No more chapters to bug y'all.  This is bittersweet, but again, thanks.

Happy anniversary!


Read the description of the book.

TL;DR of what was said in the desc;

I need a brak from the fandom.  I still plan on re-writing thia story, but I need to step away as I had a very negative experience with this fandom that I need to heal from.  The rewrite is not canceled, just postponed.  Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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