Chapter 16

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Sky has nothing to do with this, but I just like the songs.  Anyways, Introducing probably the longest chapter yet!  Man inspiration and no school do things to people-

!!Warning!!  This chapter contains; A video about a school shooting, mentions of hearing gunshots, and a censored curse word.  Be careful if these are triggers!!

Once 'Pico' was freed from the magical zip-tie, Boyfriend grabbed Pico's arm and Girlfriend grabbed the gun.  It may come in handy at some point.  They began the walk back to Daddy Dearest's house with Boyfriend, 'Pico', and Pump up front while the other two stayed behind them.

"Yoṵ'̖re ͉m̞a͈k̦ing̠ ̲a ̗b͇i̫g̼͏ m͉i͎s̴t̀a̖͏k̡e̼," 'Pico mumbled.

“Uh… how exactly is this a mistake?” the girl asked.  ‘Pico’ rolled his eyes.

“O͢h͘ ̶c͜o̷m͢e̕ ̴o̢n͘.̶ ̛ ͠D͝on͟'̢t̷ ̷yo͘u͘ ̷k͢n̕o̷w̵ ͘a͝n͡y̕t̡h͜i̶n̕g͡ ͞a͠b̴o͠u̧t͠ ͢P͢i͜c͘o̵?͡!́” ‘Pico’ asked in an annoyed tone.

“Uh… no?”


“You asked…” The girl said, shrugging.

“Plus we’re learning about him too!” Skid added.  

“I͝ ̕w͞ás͠ ͟t̀a̛l͞k̕in͜g̢ ͞t̀o͝ ͏T̕h̨e̸ ̛G͡ir͠l̡fr̵įe̶n͞d͢.̛.͡.̡” ‘Pico mumbled, sending a glare at Skid.  Skid didn’t really mind though as he kept his small smile on his face.

“Okay!  Pump, we never finished our talk!” Skid said, walking up to where Pump was and continuing their conversation from before.  Spoons were very interesting apparently.  They walked into Daddy Dearest’s house (once they made it) and immediately went to go find him.  Girlfriend led the way and did most of the talking while everyone else stayed behind her.

“Please dad?  It’s not gonna be bad at all!  We just need you to talk with him about how you hired him to kill Boyfriend!” Girlfriend asked, seeming desperate.

“Wh- How do you know about that?!” He almost yelled.

“What do you mean?  He told us…?” Girlfriend asked, gesturing back to ‘Pico’.  “Plus, you owe it to us!”  The dad looked like he was about to explode of anger, even more than from when he found out about Boyfriend.  Without saying anything, he grabbed the chain around ‘Pico’s’ chest and drug him to another room, mumbling something about stupid kids, stupid promises, and stupid debts.  There was an awkward silence as everyone took in what exactly just happened.

“Uh…. now what?” Pump asked, breaking the silence.

“How about you all set up for the other thing you mentioned?” Lila suggested, looking at The Girlfriend.

“Huh?  Oh!  Right!  Uh… how would we re-enact a school shooting?” She asked herself.

“There’s videos all over the internet of them!  They’re quite enjoyable to watch!” The girl’s mom said, poking her head into the room.

“Oh!  Alright!  We can use the Tv in my room so it’s actually viewable and not on a small screen!” The Girlfriend called out, rushing over to her room.  Everyone followed and Girlfriend started hooking her phone up to the tv.

“Pump,” Skid said, “Isn’t that the TV with Pie Man?”

“Oh yeah it is!” Pump said.  Boyfriend gave them both a weird look, but didn’t say anything as they didn't understand him.  The Girlfriend hummed a small tune as she connected a cable to her phone and the Tv.  The TV didn’t have bluetooth.

“Alright!  We’re all connected!  Now we just have to… wait for dad to finish!” The Girlfriend said as she decided to sit on her bed beside The Boyfriend rather than on the floor.  She put her phone down beside her as the cable was long enough.  The girl's mom also came in, with a reason of "not wanting to miss the mass murder" or something like that.

"How long is it gonna take for your dad to be done with him?" Skid asked.

"Uh… Probably 6 more minutes.  I don’t think it would take that long just for them to talk…” The Girlfriend mumbled, leaning her head on The Boyfriend’s head.  He was short enough.  You could also feel the mom’s glare in the room, but she said nothing.

“Uh… I have a question,” Pump started, “I dunno if your dad and the video will be enough to get rid of all the corruption.  Is there any more ways to help him remember?”  The Girlfriend lifted her head up and instead looked down at The Boyfriend.

“Bop beep boop skadoo beep..” The Boyfriend said, pulling out his phone.

“Really?  Who are they?” Girlfriend asked, earning confused glanced from Lila and the 𝓢𝓹𝓸𝓸𝓴𝔂 children.

“Bap bep,” The boyfriend mumbled, showing a picture to The Girlfriend.

“Aww.. You all look so adorable together!” The Girlfriend said, earning a small shove.  She didn’t mind, as she was laughing.

“Can we see?” Skid asked, earning a nod.  The picture contained a girl wearing pink posing for the picture beside a boy wearing a purple and yellow shirt burning a bush.  Pico and The Boyfriend were clearly the ones who took the selfie, and the other two didn’t quite expect it to be taken.

“I agree with her!.  You all look like such good friends!” Lila commented.  The Boyfriend put his phone on sleep mode as he looked slightly embarrassed.  The Girlfriend gave him a side hug and patted his head.  

“Alright!  Take this little sh*t!  I don’t want this thing anymore!” The dad said, throwing a half-corrupted Pico into the room.  He looked slightly confused.The Boyfriend stood up and walked over to Pico, grabbing him and walking back to his spot besides Girlfriend.  She was about to start the video when she paused and looked over at the two children.

“Uhm… You two probably don’t wanna watch this…” She said.  Skid and Pump looked at each other before Skid grabbed Lila’s hand and walked out of the room.  Pump followed behind quickly as Lila shut the door behind him.  Lila walked over and sat with the two children on the nearby couch.  When the gunshots started, both of the children were held in a comforting hug by her.  Gunshots were not 𝓢𝓹𝓸𝓸𝓴𝔂.  They were scary.

The video sounded like it lasted a while, and the mom’s faint laughter didn’t help much.  The video helped drown it out though.  Not like it was helpful either way, but hearing someone find people’s suffering funny wasn’t very great.

“Shh… It’s not all real… it won’t hurt you…” Lila mumbled, attempting to calm down the scared children.  It worked a bit as Skid was a bit less terrified, but Pump couldn’t calm down.  Gunshots had always terrified him.  Lila did try her best to comfort both of them.

Thankfully, the video did end after what felt like an hour.  It was really only 13 minutes long.  The Boyfriend, ‘Pico’, and the mom came out of the room as The Girlfriend was doing something with the T.  ‘Pico’ looked conflicted with himself.  The Girlfriend came out a minute later with a grim smile, but that faded into a sympathetic look when she noticed the children.

“Oh…. I’m sorry it scared you both so much…” She mumbled, standing near them.

“Just give them a minute to calm down.  Then how about we do what else we need to do to help … uh.. Pico?” Lila said, forgetting Pico’s name for a moment.

“Yeah… Alright.  Let’s take a break…” The Girlfriend said, letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.

1171 words

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