Chapter 3: Big Mistake

Start from the beginning

My stomach churns as she says that, wondering just how much worse the pelting, freezing rain and rolling thunder should get. It's a stupid thing to ask, since things can always get worse. That becomes clear as the wind picks up, nearly knocking me into Janine as we trudge along.

The rain stings as it hits my face, and more lightning flashes across the sky. The flashes of white make my head spin, or maybe I'm losing more blood than I'd realized. I look down at my shoulder as best I can. Even with my headlamp it's hard to see the damage, with the jacket wrapped around it soaked with rainwater. I doubt it's really doing much to slow the bleeding down anyway.

I shake my head and straighten my back. I've done more with worse injuries, even before I became immortal. I just have to keep pushing, and I'll be fine.

I tell myself that with a shaky exhale, my gaze focusing on the back of Shona's head as we keep moving forward. She seems rather calm for someone out here like this, running from people wanting to gun us down while also knowing there's a madman docking on the island, not to mention doing all this in the middle of a storm. She did say she was patrol. Maybe weather like this doesn't faze her.

She looks at us from over her shoulder.

"We'll be safe as long as we keep moving. I know these paths better than anyone. Better than that police chief, Duncan McCallan." Her face twists in abhorrence. "The outlander."

Tom looks at her in slight surprise. "You're born and bred here?"

"I am, and proud of it. Ach, it's a beautiful place. When this storm's over, you'll see it. There's good grazing land in the center of the island and good arable fields to the east. Cliff paths and fishing rocks. We've everything you need. You'll be at home."

Janine's face remains serious despite the sparkle in Shona's eyes. "As is Lachlan Jones. This storm may be dangerous. He is more so."

Tom nods. "We need to know everything you do about Jones. If we can understand his motivations in being here, we may be able to predict his intentions."

Nicole tips her head to the side curiously. "You said he contacted someone here wanting forgiveness for killing your uncle, correct?"

"Aye," She replies. "I intercepted one of Jones' messages by accident. Couldn't imagine who'd want to bring that murderer back here, so I started digging, looking at old messages and records. I still don't know who Jones was talking to, but I've narrowed it down to three. Well, four, I suppose. Everyone who's had access to long-range comms."

"And those people are...?"

"My dad, but he'd never forgive Lachlan. And then there's Chief McCallen, and Joan and Derek MacLean. Morag Brown-she knows everything about everyone-and she told me the MacLeans never did think Jones was guilty, so it makes sense if it's them. But I've not found any proof.

"That's why I was heading to the meeting point they'd arranged with Jones. Thought I could catch them in the act." She sighs and closes her eyes. "What an idiot, trying to handle it on my own! Please don't tell anyone else. They'd be so angry. This is all my fault!"

Paula looks at her sympathetically. "All of us think it's our fault. It's only natural. But it was an accident. Tell us what you can. It might help. How did they contact Jones?"

"So, Mor Island is the main one in the Far Hebrides. We have the most contact with the mainland. We traded with uh, Colonel Sage. He offered us guns, ammo, grenades."

"In exchange for some technology?" Janine asks, and she nods frantically.

"Aye! There's an island to the north, Dearg Island."

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