18. Two Of Me.

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Read the table of content (chapter 1) for description.

DISCLAIMER- This is the epilogue to my book Eyes Never Lie. FILLED WITH SPOILERS SO PLEASE READ ONLY AFTER YOU'VE READ THE BOOK. There is absolutely no fun/ understandability in reading this before you read the book.
If you've read it already, I am very very thankful for you <3
I wrote this during a hectic clock. Please only start with low expectations.


February 21st, 2021 (Smithfield, London) 8:00 am

Lapels of the long mustard trench coat flew backwards with every step taken ahead. The cold snowy wind rustling through the strands that usually lay unkempt on the forehead now drift like dandelions in the winter breeze.

"Mornin' papa." He breathed softly. "Been a while, no?"

Pressing the bouquet under the arm he bent down to dust away the concrete with his handkerchief before jerking it free and into the pocket again.

"The book tour went on longer than expected and then Tae was called to meet the Queen, dear god, that was a hassle.. Would you believe, we're supposed to bow to her there, and this man has the audacity to say 'you're not fooling anyone with that face-lift!' Ugh almost got prisoned!"

He sneered, seating himself by the tree, the only sound accompanying the rustling leaves was the sound of his middle aged knees cracking. "Not makin' excuses... just."

"Twenty years today, huh? It blows my mind how that has already happened." Clutching away the bouquet he takes off his mask and sunglasses.

He traces the words on the tombstone, he has for the last decade in longing and an ironic contentment with the swell of his finger. "Daffy would've been so fond of you... I know-" he chuckles "I know I keep saying that but. You would've been his only grandparent and.."

He plucks a petal of the aster flower and gently blows it off, smiling at its smooth glide into the air. "Do you watch over us still?" he plucks another petal. "I bet you do. I'm sorry for what Taehyung said about you last week. I swear I never heard you and mom doing anything that one night! You know what a liar he is!"

He grins with an apish head-shake. "Fine, you caught me there, but I double swear the comment about low stamina was totally him!" It humorously plants the softest smile on him as he sighs yet again. "You really did watch over us, didn't you?"

There's a silence for a few minutes, perhaps more, Jungkook wouldn't know in the lap of his sanctuary. This was as close to meditation he could be.

"It's been years since I kept a secret from Taehyung." He murmurs. "If it takes any longer, I may be the one to spill his beans. Might make me a bad father, but I think the husband in me trounces still." He beams "I love them, you know? I keep thinking, is this how strongly you felt for me?

There's a frown on his forehead now. "This... this magnificent urge to protect him, my child, from the world yet presenting the world at his tiny feet?" His hands card through the hair that the wind violently teases.

"Don't get me wrong, you must know the countless nights that keep Tae and I awake, wishing you were here to guide us through it. But the thrill of wallops and falls and then learning to get right up, there's nothing like it."

A giggle resonates in the barren land as he plucks another one. "Look how many petals I've grown, papa."


The muscles on his arms are cramped to a flex helplessly as he carries the legions of grocery bags slung on various areas over the forearm. By the time he's at the door the slight discomfort in the lower arms has upsurged into a crick up his spine.

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