Ruckus Meeting

Beginne am Anfang

"Hey, where Ais?" said Duri looks surround him. "There." Said Taufan pointing at the corner of the room. Duri quickly goes to Ais and wakes him up.

"Ais, you promise me you will help me sparring this time." Said Duri pouting not happy with Ais forgot about the promise. "Hurmmm... I did? When?" ask Ais in partial sleep voice. "Yes. Get up already." Duri harshly shakes him and tries to take his whale plushie. "Alright alright... geez" Ais finally gave up and take his position.

"I'm alone... again." Said Taufan. "Hey, Taufan come here!" shout Gempa. Taufan who heard Gempa yelled feel uneasy. 'Please... don't bring about last time.' Though Taufan looks at Gempa with horror.

Tick...Tick...Tick (40 minutes later)

"Hmm... they still here?" He then opens practice room number 7 to check the utensils and the moment he looks at the person who occupied the room...


The sound and the spark startled the person and accidentally steps on the Duri's traps.

"Kyaaarghhhhh" The person shouts and is stuck in the thorny net by Duri.

"Dad? Why are you here?" ask Gempa. "HahAHAHahahhaAH!!!" Mechabot laughed hysterically and really enjoying the scene. "Stop laughing, you old robot." Said Amato who struggling to free himself.

"Ops... sorry..." said Duri hurriedly drop Amato down and he already senses Gempa glaring at him. "Please, don't be mad at me. It is supposed for Ais actually." Said Duri while hiding behind Ais away from Gempa.

"Me?" said Ais confused. "It's a trap for our sparring just now." Said Duri pouting and avoiding eye contact.

"Okay okay stop guys. It's a good trap actually." Said Amato trying to cool down the atmosphere. "Oh, thank you." Said Duri smiling.

"Woah! It's really dad!" said Blaze childishly hug Amato. "Hey! Not fair! I want to hug him too!" said Duri trying to separate Blaze. "Hey! I wanna join too!" said Taufan aggressively push Blaze and Duri. Amato who is surrounded by hugs by the trio troublemaker just stood there like a doll and Mechabot let's say he really enjoying the show while eating popcorn (wait...where did you get that popcorn?)

"Haish... you three." Gempa just facepalms his face from the embarrassment. "Waahh... I want to sleep" Ais yawning while hugs his whale plushie.



"You lighthead! where are you aiming?!" shout Solar. "You're the one who not given attention!" shout Halilintar. "Hish... Tembakan Solar!" Solar tries to shoot Halilintar but he easily dodged it. "Not even close bookworm." Halilintar mocking.

"In any second, this place will go down." Said Ais with a sleepy face. Gempa facepalming his face again. 'Why in the world did I let these two idiots sparring together?' thought Gempa. "Ais freeze them." Order Gempa.

Ais sees Gempa's facial expression hurriedly summoned his power. "Panah Pembeku!" Ais's arrows fly directly to Halilintar and Solar without them realizing it and freeze them.

"What the... Hey! Let me go!" said Halilintar trying to free himself. "Ais! You..." Solar word has been paused when he sees Gempa's facial expression. 'Oh... oh not good' thought Halilintar and Solar.

"Ah...ah Gempa its Hali fault." Solar blames Halilintar. "Nu... uh it's him who mock me first!" said Halilintar defending himself. "You two... I thought I said don't make any ruckus." Gempa said smirking and his face looking down at the floor. "Eeeeekkkk!!! Forgive us!" said both of them.

PAK!!! PAK!!!

Halilintar and Solar collapsed and got a big bump on each other's heads.

"Wow... I don't know he's that scary." Said Mechabot quietly beside Amato. The other elementals just sweatdropped when looking at the scene.

"Sorry for the unexpected event, Laksamana." Said Gempa getting serious. "Ah... ah... it's okay Boboiboy." Said Amato still processing. "I'm afraid we're not Boboiboy. We are the elementals. Boboiboy split us into 7 for practice." Explained Gempa.

"Let us introduce ourselves. I'm Gempa. Earth manipulator." Said Gempa back with his cheerful face. "I'm Taufan. I can manipulate wind." Said Taufan happily. "I'm Duri. I can summon plants." Said Duri with excitement. "Hi dad! Mechabot! My name is Blaze! I'm a fire manipulator." Said Blaze with more optimism. "Ais create Ice and water." Said Ais simple while yawning. The others watch Ais with a dumbfounded face. "O...k" Amato just smiles with his remark. "Halilintar a lightning manipulator." "Solar a light manipulator." Said those two who just gained their consciousness.

"Oh... nice to meet you all. As you know I'm Amato and Mechabot. So, you guys exist based on Boboiboy's personalities, right?" ask Amato for confirmation. "Correct. I got his anger, Gempa got his leadership, Taufan got his happiness, Blaze got his childness, Ais got his calmness, Duri got his innocent and Solar got his smartness." Said Halilintar explained one by one.

'Oh, that makes sense. Wait that means I have 8 sons?!' thought Amato. "By the way dad, why are you here?" ask Duri. "Oh, I need to check the utensils in each practice room so I and Mechabot can upgrade them." Said Amato woke up from his 8 sons thought. "And since this room has been occupied so we leave this room for the last one to check but it seems you guys haven't done yet." Explained Mechabot.

"Nope, we're done." Said Gempa smiling. "Eh?!" the other elementals are confused. "Wait... Boboiboy?" said Solar already realized him. "Hi guys! I switch with Gempa just now and I saw everything." Said Boboiboy while glaring at the rivals. 'Gulp...' the two rivals sweatdropping. "Anyway, good job guys!" said Boboiboy and fused back to his original form.

"Wow... that's awesome, kid!" said Mechabot impressed. "Hihi..." said Boboiboy while scratching his not-itchy cheeks. "You should go back to your room." Said Amato starting to make way. "No. I want to help you." Said Boboiboy happily. Amato looks at his son and smiling. "Okay then but don't force yourself or I locked you up in your room." Said Amato. "No problem." Said Boboiboy and maintain his distance from his dad. 'It looks like the elementals didn't get the effect and you a bad liar, son.' Thought Amato.                       

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