Chapter Fourteen - Crazyline

Start from the beginning

“Hello Tyler” Jacinta says waving in my face, “You kind of tuned out there”

They all laugh at me, I laugh along with them.

“Sorry just was thinking about stuff that and I have a headache,” I say.

“I will make it all better,” Caroline says in a cheeky tone.

“You two go get a room” Dean laughs.

“It’s not like that” I say laughing.

“It isn’t?” Caroline asks.

Isn’t it a bit too soon to be ‘getting a room?’ I barely know the girl and she is saying things like that. Hopefully she is just joking because I am not sure if I am ready to commit to anything let alone Caroline. Diana is all that is on my mind right now so I have no intentions of sleeping with Caroline.

“It’s a bit soon don’t you think?” I laugh.

Caroline’s face goes sour. I am a little creeped out. Why would she be saying stuff like this? I am not a root and boot kind of guy. Jacinta and Dean are awkwardly looking away trying not to get involved in this conversation anymore. I think Dean feels a little bit guilty for mentioning the get a room joke, but it isn’t his fault at all.

“No worries then, enjoy your night” Caroline says

Caroline gives me the weirdest smile and walks off through the crowd of people through the bar onto the dance floor. I had no idea she was this weird and crazy I am so happy that I have seen her real side this early because now little red flags are going up and I am sure that I don’t want a relationship involvement with Caroline.

“That was weird” Jacinta says.

“Yeah I am sorry Tyler it was just a joke” Dean apologises, “I think she wants to marry you and have children already even though you have known each other for a week”

We all laugh. It’s true though what girl out of their right mind wants to sleep together after a week. Apart from girls that are skanky and just want one night stands I thought most girls wanted to know the guy for a long time before they do that. Caroline must be different. Well she is defiantly different I have figured out. I must find Diana now and talk to her about what actually happened. I will talk to her after Jacinta does the second round of the competition. We walk around to a smaller dance floor area, in the room the floor is like a chessboard; black and white squares everywhere. The walls and roof are just white. The music in this room is good so we all decide to dance here for a little while. The lights in the room are flickering so much that you can’t really make out who is in this room so it’s great you can dance how you want and no one really see’s. Many people in this club don’t really care how you dance anyways. I have always been self-conscious with my appearance as it is, so when I am dancing I am extremely conscious about what people will think. In this very room I feel comfortable and I don’t care what anyone thinks.

“The music is great in here” Dean yells into my ear.

“I know it’s great” I yell back in Deans ear.

“How long do we have before the second round of the competition starts for you” I ask Jacinta.

She looks at her watch and symbols a five to me with her fingers. I smile and nod at her and keep on dancing. I see out of the corner of my eye in the corner of a room, two people making out but getting really into it. I starting laugh to myself and think that they should actually get a room; I look and recognize the girl. It’s Caroline. Well she moved on really fast it seems that I wasn’t anything to her. How she expected me to sleep with her straight away I have no idea why. I notice the guy that she is making out with too. I stop dancing and stand their still frozen, she is making out with Saxon. I feel a stabbing in my stomach. What the hell are they doing? What the hell does Saxon think he is doing? Literally five minutes ago Caroline was walking away pissed off and now she is making out with one of my best friends. I walk up to them and push Saxon’s arm. He stops kissing and gives me a blank stare.

“Just what the hell Saxon?” I ask.

“What?” Saxon replies.

“Piss off Tyler and leave us alone” Caroline says giving me a disgusting look.

“Ten minutes ago you wanted me and now your making out with my friend, there is plenty of other guys here for you to sink your teeth into” I say.

Caroline smiles and then puts her mouth closer to my ear.

“That wouldn’t hurt you though, if I just made out with a complete random” Caroline whispers, “Now Diana doesn’t want to talk to you because I bended the truth a little bit”

What is she talking about? I have no idea what this crazy girl wants with me or why she is saying this.

“Did you think Diana would actually just be angry at you if we just were having a date? No, I told her we slept together after you kissed her in the park” Caroline says, “You thought I didn’t know you say her that night? She innocently told me and I knew that I had to make you pay, but loosing her and making out with Saxon”

This girl is crazy; I haven’t ‘lost’ Diana because we haven’t even properly gone on a date yet. Although it seems that she has ruined my chances of even taking Diana out on a date now. I am so angry I don’t even want to talk to either of them.

“You are both not worth my time” I say.

I turn around and walk towards Jacinta and Dean. We eventually make our way out of the dance floor and towards the meeting area for where Jacinta has to meet for round two.

“Is it alright if I watch from a distance Jacinta?” I ask, “I just want to get some air”

“Don’t stress that’s fine, I am so sorry about what happened” Jacinta says,

“Me too man, I have no idea what Saxon and Caroline are playing at” Dean says, “You know I will always be here for you”

“Yeah me too!” Jacinta says.

“Thanks guys, I will meet up with you after round two” I say, “Good luck Jacinta with whatever challenge you have”

I walk away and head to an outdoor area of Pyronix, less music and actually air to breathe. I am sitting outside on a chair looking up at the sky. It’s such a peaceful night I wish that this is what every night was like, No rain, and no heat strokes, just perfect bliss. I feel my phone vibrating and pull it out of my pocket. It’s Riya calling me. I haven’t properly spoken to her for a while so I answer as quickly as possible.

“Hello?” I say.

“I am ready to tell you why I was crying on the floor last weekend” Riya says.

My stomach turns; I prepare myself for the worst.

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