Rebel Girl

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At hearing his name, Alex's head sprung up to meet Damon's eyes. "What do yer mean?" His deep brown eyes, now blighted with red from crying and sheer exhaustion; almost begging him to continue.

"It was Don and your record company who told her to break up with you. Don had told her that her so-called 'wild child' reputation was damaging your and the band's reputation. Don kept pressuring her for about 3 months constantly on at her. She told me that he was blaming everything on her when it was actually him and her mum that had made her the 'bloody wild child'. She refused to give in to them until they began threatening the band with all sorts and she said she gave in because she didn't want to stand in the band's way. She loved you all too much."

Damon saw the emotion on not just Alex, but the whole band who were in shock at the revelation. Stunned - yes but it was much more than that.

"Why didn't she tell us?" Jamie asked Damon but was looking at Juliet lying in the bed.

"Because they told her if she did, they'd start enforcing sanctions on the contract, start adding dates to the next tour and keep you all busy so she wouldn't get time to see you all or you to see your families or friends. She didn't want that for you"

"Explains a lot, don't it H?" Louis chipped into the conversation. Harry merely nodded, trying to take all the information in at once. Louis came to the rescue and continued; "when we first met her- actually before we met her Ed, Sheeran that is - explained who she was and went on to say she hated corporate record companies acting like they literally owned the individuals like a commodity.

She blew up at our management once- they call us the product or something and she calmly ripped the woman a new one; plus threatening to take them to court if the woman dared to even speak directly at us like that again or anyone with us. Never seen someone so fierce before. Scary but fucking amazing too! So impressive.We all loved her from then on- we'd actually only met her a few months before."

Alex remained quiet throughout the exchange between the lads from both bands sharing stories about Juliet but he'd retreated back into his head again. Something which he was well known for.

He couldn't shake that Juliet had taken her happiness away for him, and them as a band. She'd put them all first. Despite the fact it broke her heart; fuck it, broke his heart but he never knew she'd been taking all the burden on her own.

"Yeah, must 'Ave been weird to be told yer gonna ruin a band when yer fuckin' discovered them in the first place". Liam stated this piece of information like he was adding ketchup to the shopping list. But this was the very thing which caused Alex to snap out of his daze.

"Wha? Wha did ya just say?"

And so Liam repeated the info with Damon agreeing with him.

"But she didn't discover us. Steve from Domino did. We met with im that night.

Now Johnny, Liam and Damon were shaking their heads at him.

"Don't think so mate" Johnny looked at Alex and the rest of the band; "she been in Sheffield to see a band that night. She saw you lot by pure luck afterwards. She came back from seeing that lot in some shite pub; er mate was desperate to use the loo or something. So they stopped at the pub, Jules went in with her but then insisted on staying to watch your set. She started emailing record companies as soon as she got home and for two weeks solid.

Jesus, we were honestly sick of hearing your demos to be honest. She told Domino if they didn't go they'd regret it, otherwise she was going to fund you on her own. I think she was too."
Johnny humourlessly laughs at this statement, knowing how determined she was.

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