Book Myself Into A Soul Asylum

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Juliet had been taken for another MRI Scan but was brought back and things resumed in her room.

Everyone seemed to arrive at once after Juliet had been settled back in the room; with them all being updated by Johnny; after he'd met with the medical team looking after her.

They were aware of the growing number of paparazzi and reporters outside the hospital; not just for Juliet but due to the friends she had visiting her. Extra security had to be brought in, as they were making things difficult for patients, staff and visitors coming to the hospital.

Liam and his eldest son Lennon were making their way towards the hospital , mentally trying to prepare themselves for the sight of Juliet; unconscious and still in an unstable state of health. They could hear Alex and Miles' voices raised at someone.

Harry had just arrived, causing a few nurses to let out a few discreet gasps. He'd flown straight from LA, where he'd begun recording his second album. Louis had met him at Heathrow airport and brought him straight to the hospital.

Harry walked in and sat down next to Johnny at Juliet's bedside. He reached for her hand with shaking hands; his large hands engulfing her small hand.

He turned to Johnny, "why are her hands all cut?"

"The police said she'd been clawing her way across her gravel drive to get away from the attacker."

The tears were silently tracing their way down his face as he looked on helplessly at the pale young woman in the bed. Hating the image he now had of her lying bloody and dragging herself up the drive, like something from one of her beloved horror movies

"Do they know who did this?", he asked while never moving his eyes away from Juliet.

"No idea yet mate, they're still looking. Don't know if you know but they found the knife- the one she was stabbed with" Johnny explained.

Harry just wordlessly nodded. Louis reached across and rubbed his shoulder.
"She won't let this pull her down Haz, she's made of bloody strong stuff eh?"

Harry merely nodded, not trusting his own voice at this moment. He closed his eyes and rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb; allowing his mind to dig deep into his memories. He remembered the first time he'd been able to hold her hand properly.

"Thanks Harry! Nearly fell on my face there. Jesus I'm so clumsy. "

"No problem Jules" he smiled back at her.

"You're a good friend Harry, you know that yeh?"

"Friend, yeah", he tried not to show how dejected he'd felt at that moment- looking to the ground.

Juliet grabbed his hand and gave a soft squeeze, he looked up at her. Her blue eyes looking so magical as they had a glow whenever she smiled. And his heart felt lighter just knowing he could at least hold her hand, hug her, spend time with her; even if she only ever saw him as a good friend.

Unfortunately the peace that had enveloped the room was just about to be shattered as Alex and Miles entered the room.

Alex is furious and trying to get Harry to leave the room, Miles agrees and both are shouting over her hospital bed at him.

"Why the fuck are you ere, eh?" Alex lunges towards Harry, trying to grab his coat.

Miles was holding him back but saying "I should let him at ya if imma honest !!"

Both were fuming at him but, acting as though they'd been complete angels towards Juliet but that couldn't be further from the truth; despite being her best friends.

Johnny was now faced with breaking it up and says to Alex and Miles that if they wanted to stay in the room with her they had to be quiet and accept that Harry was going to stay here too.

"I've said so, before you open your bloody mouth again" he forces Alex back down into the chair next to the hospital bed; forcing Alex to be quiet.

He explained that Juliet and Harry had spoken to each other many times since the incident and a come to terms with what occurred.

It was quite clear that a lot of healing had gone on between Harry and Juliet, that she had not had an opportunity to update Miles and Alex with. Mostly because she was not speaking to Alex and Miles has now moved currently out to LA and so she didn't have opportunity to talk to him face-to-face, and she certainly didn't feel it was the sort of thing you chatted over the phone about.

Alex of course couldn't just let it go and still shot a few rude remarks over at Harry but made sure they were out of ear shot of Johnny. They were hurtful and dug at Harrys heart, type of comments he knew would've earned him a mouthful and a  probably a sharp slap to the back of his head from Juliet. Harry of course didn't bite back and ignored the comments, this only encouraged Alex further.

At that suddenly Juliet started spluttering blood out of her mouth. Because she was unconscious it sounded like she was drowning and she didn't have the ability to cough it out; especially with the tube down her throat to enable her to breathe. Her machine started to bleep alarms and the nurse rushed in along with a doctor and they were all told to leave the room.

Harry looked at Alex pointedly ,
"you couldn't just let it drop could you, you know she can hear you and now it's upsetting her to the point of risking her life. Please I'm not asking you to do this for me, I know you hate me and that's fine but please just stop this . I can't bear the thought of Jules suffering as a result of us arguing."

Liam and Lennon arrived outside the room and were met with the group who'd had to leave the room. They were updated by Johnny on how things were this morning. The doctor came out and was updating them.

"She appears settled now. It seemed to be a pocket of blood which was collecting in her lung. We are just waiting for the final MRI report from earlier. We did another full body scan. "

"Will she get more problems with bleeding?"
Johnny asked, everyone waiting for him to ask the questions.

"I'm so sorry but it's a possibility, we can't rule it out. We do have some concerns about her liver, the knife pierced it quite forcefully. As soon as we receive it, I'll come straight to you", the doctor smiled sympathetically and shook Johnny's outstretched hand.

The doctor added  'that upset and arguing should not go on in the room and that this could cause her to have further problems as she needed to hear positivity and laughter. He stated he wasn't adverse to banning people from the room if required.

Before Alex could walk back into the room Liam dragged him round the corner
"What the hell are you playing at? Do you really think you're helping her by mouthing off at him?"

Before Alex could even respond Liam jumped him with a further comment,
"Because you're fucking not you know! You don't know what's gone on recently, you've mot been 'ere!! This has nothing to do with me, you or anyone else only them. Now , either shut your fucking mouth in there or I'll kick you out and we won't need a doctor to do it, do you understand? "

Alex merely nodded, and they both walked back into the room. Alex took a chair further away from the bed for a change and so Johnny and Lennon had sat next to Juliet on one side with Harry and Katie on the other. The room settled down as time passed. It was much quieter and was back to feeling depressing and oppressive.

Just then the door opened to her room and the voice could be heard to say

"Who the fuck died in here? "

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