In the End? There was the begining...

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It was 3am in the morning, when a phone ringing broke the silence. Up until then they'd been sleeping soundly with no noise and no light. Now the phone was flashing on and it's shrill sound disturbing their slumber.

'Jeez what's the time?  Al, answer your fucking phone' she moaned, nudging him in the side.

He tried to look before answering at the caller ID but it rang off before he could get there.

'It's stopped now, go back to sleep' he stated

No sooner had he spoke that the phone rang again, he'd just laid back down in bed so he groaned when he had to grab it again,

He grabbed the phone and saw it was his band mate Jamie calling, he wondered if he'd got the time difference wrong again or if something was up at home. Worrying that it could be the latter, he answered his phone.

'Jameh, fuck mate it's 3am, why'd ya call?'

'Al, thank god you picked up this time. It's Jules, Katie called me, she'd been in London for a job and was meeting up with Jules today.  
He took on a sharp breath....
"Something's happened- Jules and the.. hospital; I think you need to get here."

'What do you mean it's Jules and the hospital what's happened?"

'They said she's been stabbed Al! Katie found her...she wa... she was covered in blood."

Jamie tried to fight the distress , but it was hard after all the years she'd become like a sister to him, the band and their wives .

'Stabbed? What the fuck Jameh ?'
His words rushing out, making his accent thicker.

'They police are involved,  it happened when she was leaving her house to meet up with Katie. They were supposed to be shopping or summat"

'How bad is it?'

'Alex, Nick and I were advised to come down straight away. It's bad, really bad. She's in emergency theatre right now and she'd lost so much blood she's had 2 transfusions before theatre, while they tried to find all the stab wounds'

'All the stab wounds, how many times Jameh? Who did this? Please tell me she's gonna be ok?"
Alex was fighting to get the words out.

'I don't know who did it, Katie told me the police were involved. All I know is that it's multiple stab wounds and it's life threatening. Nick and me are driving down there, we're in the car already. Couldn't get a flight quick enough. Miles is with Katie, Al mate- he's in bits. Katie said he won't or can't talk to anyone. I'm worried about Katie, she found her, she's going into shock or summat, I think."

'Shit mate, me heads spinning right now trying to take it all in.'

'Al, I think you need to tell Matt, but he may have seen it on the news. It's everywhere here"

'Yeah, I'll just call him- see about flying over with him tonight if we can. Jameh please call me when you get there, yeah?'

'Of course mate.. Just get here as soon as you can. Can't believe it might be the last time we see her."

Jamie now sniffed, failing to hold back his tears now. He'd had to talk to a very emotional Katie, who asked if the kids could stay with family; and could he bring clothes for her- she was covered in Juliet's blood; from when she discovered her in her driveway. Kelly was staying back to look after the boys until she could get family to take over, then she was flying down to be with them all.

Alex could hear Nick saying calming words to Kelly on the phone, sounding like they were in the car already.

"Please don't say that Jameh, it can't be!
Yeah of course, honestly I'll get the next flight out back to London. Keep me updated please?"

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