Night follows day...

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Alex & Matt sat next to the bed, Alex had refused to go back to the hotel in case something happened when he was away from Juliet's bedside. Matt, had left very late and arrived early; so as to keep Alex; and Juliet company.

Johnny had brought them coffee & Danish pastries from the local Costa; he'd only left the hospital for about 5 hours; in which he'd had to meet up with Juliet's lawyers, her Consultant and his team. The drinks and sweet pastries were greatly appreciated by the pair as they were updated on news by Johnny.

"I know Liam is bringing Lennon in to see her today, not sure how the whole visitor numbers have to be managed. The Dr never said anything last night except we could visit outside of normal hours; as her room is separated from the main ward and her..."
Johnny audibly choked up, looking at Juliet in the bed still, the only movement coming from the machine making sure she received oxygen.
"You know how fragile things are."

The lads just nodded and looked on sombrely. The whole situation seemed so unreal and yet here they were; it felt like they were waiting for her to die rather than wake up and get better.
The sound of Johnny's mobile ringing stirred them out of the mental dip they were all in.

"Hi Moz, no there's no change. They say she's stabilised for now but that they need to keep her sedated. "

"I know you do, but honestly it's not your fault and you know how she'd go on at you if you flew over. You need to get better yourself. "

Johnny listened to the caller, adding the occasional 'hmm' and 'yeah' to respond but when Johnny answered "of course I can, you take care too alright?" The lads expected him to put the phone away but instead he placed it by Juliet's ear and out his finger to his lips, to show them to keep quiet. After a couple of minutes he glanced at the phone and clicked it off, putting it away.

"Sorry 'bout that Moz wanted to speak to Jules; think he feels so bad he can't be here but he's in hospital recovering from surgery- so that would be crazy to do that."

Before the conversation took a lull again Jamie , Katie and Nick arrived. Nick put a bag of M&S goodies on the table and explained that Kelly had got them to keep the guys going; she'd also told him to let her know what they wanted for lunch and she'd bring it to them later. Johnny thanked Nick and asked to pass his thanks to Kelly for him.

"No problem, think she needs to keep being busy if imma honest. I know she's going to take Amelia to the park later so Breanna can visit."

"Cheers to Kelly for that and this bloody gorgeous wispa bar; fuck I've missed these!!" Matt bit into the chocolate and moaned in pleasure.

Laughter was heard in the room for the first time since Juliet had arrived yesterday; and the nurse outside the room smiled. She entered the room with a short knock and introduced herself.

"Hi I'm Michelle and I'm Juliet's nurse today; I'm here until 9 tonight; so just ask away if you've got any questions ok? I know this is all very strange for you, all families find themselves a bit lost at first so please remember no question is stupid or awkward- always just ask away."

Johnny spoke first; "I'm not sure how many people we're allowed in the room to visit at one time. We don't want to be an inconvenience to others, you know? And I already know it's a hassle with all the reporters outside so... yeah."

"Normally by a bedside we say up to 4, as we are an ICU ward; often that could be wife, 2 kids and sibling. But as she has a large private room I think as long as it's sensible you'll be ok. Just think about noise level and leave the door closed."

"Yeah, cheers. My wife has ordered tins of sweets and biscuits for the staff, relatives tea room; they should be here this afternoon. We just want to say thanks for everything you're doing and putting up with. Honestly we appreciate it so much"

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