Killing Me Softly

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Everyone looked up to see a smiling Gene swagger into the room.  He looked exactly like another young Liam, complete with Parka.

Damon smiled as he thought to the craziness of the Britpop days, and looked to Juliet who was a child through it all. Watching it with amusement!!

Gene walked straight over to Juliet and gently kissed her on the cheek ,

" I've got something to cheer you up Frey, I think you'll really like this. I finished putting together loads of the film that you asked me to. So I thought no time like now and so I'm allowed to play in here for us all to watch and you to hear and if you think we've got anything wrong you need to sit up and bloody well tell us do you understand love?"

"Right let's get the show on the road." He spoke to no one in particular.

Gene had brought a small portable projector and linked it up with his laptop and he began to set it all  up, he went on to explain that Juliet had asked him to take all the families Home movies etc ; clean them up and put them onto a few formats so they weren't lost.

They would have Amy and other friends on. Her dad's videos would have family including her much missed brother. Gene had put these together by date and so they would start with her as a baby in the first recording studios that her father owned owned.

Gene looked over to Liam:
"Debs was brilliant and contacted loads of artists last night to get any clips from them to add to it; so it might jump about a bit at times; y'know time wise an' that. Yeah, so....

Are you all sitting comfortably? Then we'll begin!!"

The first video is of a brooding band - The Smiths over baby Juliet. Johnny was holding her when Morrissey singing, her mother nowhere to be seen. Johnny goes on to explain that she kept disappearing leaving Juliet with Don in the studio.

Then it has Morrissey singing to her,
"We were in the middle of  recording 'Meat Is Murder' when she literally decided it was time to appear! Morrissey was terrified at first and decided he was best at the end of the phone trying to find out where the ambulance was !"

Johnny was full on laughing now.
"Andy shoved me down the business end and we ended up delivering Juliet. Don had got stuck in the traffic that had backed up due to a bad car accident- the same one that held the ambulance getting to her."

In the video: Johnny was rocking her in his arms, wrapped in Morrissey's shirt and her mum's cardigan.
"Can't believe that due to some poor sod's misfortune it meant I got to see my baby girl being born." Johnny was teary, and wiped a stray one away from his face.

The video was filled with famous Indie artists and tech holding Juliet; it was like an 80's Who's Who from NME at the time.

The next images were of a tiny toddler Juliet, giggling and seemingly babbling at her parents and grandparents.

"She's speaking Icelandic, if your wondering?", Damon answered the puzzled faces in the room.  "I remember Don telling us once she spoke Icelandic before she spoke English. "

She was clumsily dancing around the room with tiny tutu on and diddy ballet shoes. And then dancing with her ballet tutor, turning to smile at her mum, who was holding the camera.

"She looks so cute", Matt was glued to the images playing out.

The video continued showing her at Christmas time with her Dad's parents, then another lady that looked familiar.

"It's Gran!" Lennon exclaimed almost giddily.
"It is isn't it?. But that's before you had Oasis" Lennon was turning his head from the screen to Liam and back again, clearly confused.

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