Part 12

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(fanart by sn_trix on Twitter)

Building more Vespas took up most of their day, but it was very fun to do so.

One of their experiences was Alberto swinging around a stick he found on the ground as a sword, then spotting a heavy bag tied to a rope on the ground.

He picked it up and rolled it through the air, but the bag flew off the rope and landed with a 'thunk' right on Alberto's head.

Another experience Luca had was literally fighting a seagull with the ramp while Alberto was riding down the rocky mountain with his Vespa.

That time, however, the front of it came off instead, and Alberto was left on the barrel of the back of the Vespa.

Luca swatted the seagull away - right into Alberto's face.

The taller male fell off it, rolling around until his head landed hard on the edge of the ramp, the seagull still clinging to him.

Luca was a bit scared for him, but he laughed and thrusted his fists forward.

The experience after that was Luca getting new clothes from Alberto.

A beige shirt with sleeves that folded at the elbows, and an unbuttoned collar.

His shorts were blue and went to about his knees.

Another experience of theirs was to jump off a different, way more steep cliff, until the point where it was pretty much just a straight fall down.

Alberto jumped off first, and Luca stopped just at the edge, worried.

"Come on, Luca!" the purple sea monster urged.

Luca backed up, then ran towards the edge.

But at the last second he tried to stop himself, but he slipped and belly-flopped onto the surface of the water, screaming the whole way down.

Another memory was swimming through and poking their head out near some buoys, with seagulls on their heads, and seeing a fishing boat just doing their thing.

Then, suddenly, another boat sped right by theirs.

"What's wrong with you, stupido?!" a person on the boat shouted angrily after them.

Then, they both hopped on stones into a big cave thing near the shore, which Alberto called into it, "What's wrong with you, stupido?!"

After it echoed, he looked at Luca very eagerly.

Besides that, their whole day was mostly dancing, building their Vespa, and riding it.

And it was the best day of Luca's life.

"Look, we gotta ride together," Alberto said, sitting at the front of the Vespa. "If you don't sit on the back and hold onto the front, the whole thing falls apart."

"Oh." Luca silently dreaded riding the Vespa. "And who's holding the ramp?"

"The turtle," Alberto told him matter-of-factly. "C'mon, he's faster than he looks."

"Oh, okay." Luca inhaled, and looked down the cliffside, and felt worry hollow out and twist up his belly. "Here we go."

After a moment of silence, Alberto blinked.

"You, uh, coming?" he asked.

"Nope." Luca hurriedly backed up, hands in the safe crook of his armpits. "I can't do it. Never in a million years."

"Hey, hey, hey. I know your problem," Alberto assured him, sitting sideways on the Vespa. "You've got a Bruno in your head."

"A Bruno?" Luca echoed, confused.

"Yeah." Alberto picked up his foot from the ground and rested his elbow back on the handlebars of their Vespa. "I get one too sometimes. 'Alberto, you can't.' 'Alberto, you're gonna die.' 'Alberto, don't put that in your mouth.' Luca, it's simple. Don't listen to stupid Bruno!"

Wait, that means you did put that thing in your mouth? What was it?

"Why is his name Bruno?"

Luca avoided asking what Alberto had put in his mouth.

"I don't care- It doesn't matter." That seemed to startle Alberto, as he jumped once in the seat of the Vespa. "Call him whatever you want! Shut him up, say, 'Silenzio, Bruno!'"

Luca hesitated, then quietly uttered, "S-Silenzio Bruno..!"

"Louder!" Alberto seemed displeased and slipped off the Vespa to prove a point. "Silenzio Bruno!"

"Silenzio Bruno!" Luca was a bit more confident, becoming a little louder until he was above his average tone of voice.

"Silenzio Bruno!" Alberto howled.

"Silenzio Bruno!" Luca joined him, feeling his anxiety creep away.

"Can you still hear him?!" Alberto called, not lowering his tone of voice.

"Nope! Just you!" Luca responded loudly.

"Good!" Alberto quickly slapped a metal, silver Colander over his head and yanked him onto the Vespa. "Now hang on!"

Luca began to panic again, gripping onto the seat for dear life.

Alberto clicked his tongue, then pushed off, screaming, "Andiamo!!"

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