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 Two men were on a boat, which was sailing through the water quietly and slowly.

One of them seemed more uneasy than the other.

"Listen, Tommaso," he said in a low whisper. "Do we really need to fish near the island?"

"Eh, you worry too much," the second person, Tommaso, scoffed.

The first person wasn't reassured.

"I don't know..." he mumbled. "What if the old stories are true..?"

"Oh, come on, Giacomo." Tommaso rolled his eyes and pointed at a map near the island they were at to point at three pictures of sea monsters attacking ships. "You really believe in sea monsters?"

"Too many strange things have been seen in these waters," Giacomo insisted.

"They're all just stories." Tommoso waved his hand at the dark island near them. "Tall tales to keep us away from a great fishing spot."

"But, Tommoso..."

"We're fine." Tommoso smiled at him, then comforted him in Italian.

He cupped a gramophone in his hands and put a record onto it.

It began playing an operatic aria.

"Ah, that's more like it," Tommoso commented.

A tail disappeared over the rocks underwater... The fins glittered in the dark.

Tommoso and Giacomo began preparing their Seine net.

A purple scaly... Hand crept up the side of the boat and grabbed their wrench.

It ducked back under the water before anybody could see it and reached up to grab a cup they had onboard, then sank down again.

It reached up again and struggled to grab cards they had on board, so they rose up more.

But unfortunately, Tommoso saw them.

"What is that?!" he gasped.

Green eyes glowed from the night, then quickly disappeared as they ducked under the water and swam around the boat.

Suddenly, Tommoso and Giacomo's net lurched forward as they caught the creature.

They made an exclamation of surprise and tried to yank the Seine net aboard, but it loosened again.

Out of the blue, the whole monster jumped out of the water, and time seemed to slow as it made a great leap over their boat, then just as quickly as before, the water absorbed them.

They gasped again, and Giacomo grunted and threw a spear after it, but they both knew it had missed.

"You missed," Tommoso panted. "Let's go, before it comes back for us."

"I told you they were real," Giacomo whimpered.

"Oh, what a monster!" Tommoso agreed. "Horrifying!"

Little did they know, their possessions had sunken to the depths of the ocean, including their clock, wrench, cards, and gramophone...

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