Part 16

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(fanart by MLBacellar on DeviantArt)

"They're sending me to the Deep." Luca pulled on his brown curls. "To go live with my weird see-through uncle. What do I do?"

Alberto was silent for a moment, then asked hopefully, "Stay?"

"Up here?" Luca asked, feeling his heart skip a beat. "They'll come looking for me."

It pained Luca to say this, as it wasn't as if he didn't wanna stay up here with Alberto...

"Okay, that may be true," Alberto said, putting his hand to his chin. "But..."

His green eyes looked up at the window of his tower and he smirked.

"Would they come looking for you over there?"

He walked over to the window and rested his arm on it, grinning wildly.

Luca followed him to see what he was looking at.

The human town, separated from them by a strip of their ocean.

"No way," Luca told Alberto despite his heartrate increasing in excitement. "That's crazy."

"I mean," Alberto added, shrugging as if it didn't really matter if they went there. "That place must be full of Vespas. There's gotta be one for us."

"Huh. A real Vespa," Luca breathed, staring at the human town. "Could we even survive over there?"

"You and me?" Alberto raised a brow cockily. "We can do anything."


Alberto grabbed him by the shoulder and pressed into his cheek excitedly.

"We'd swim right over to Vespatown, track down Signor Vespa-"

 "Wait." Luca broke off from Alberto. "Do you really think there's a Signor Vespa?"

"Makes sense, right?"

"Yes, continue." Luca put his hands on his cheeks eagerly.

"And we say," Alberto went on, putting his hands behind his back for dramatic effect. "'Signor Vespa, build us one of these'!"

He pulled out a sheet of crumpled-ish paper, with two scraggly stick-figures riding something that resembled a Vespa.

One person was obviously Alberto, with a cocky smile and wide eyes, and the other was clearly Luca, with curly brown hair and a small pink heart beside it.

"Woah," Luca gasped, grabbing the drawing. "This is the greatest drawing I've ever seen!"

"Yeah, I know." Alberto pulled the drawing out of Luca's hands. "Luca, think about it. Every day, we'll ride someplace new, and every night, we'll sleep under the fish! No one to tell us what to do... Just you and me out there, free."

Luca closed his eyes pleasurably as he imagined this, and before he knew it, he was running through the tall grass on their island, after Alberto.

"Whoo-hoo!" Alberto laughed. "Take me, gravity!"

He jumped, flipped onto his back, and grinned, falling into the water below.

Luca stopped right at the edge, staring down into the blue waves lapping at the edge of the steep cliff.

"Come on, Luca!" Alberto called.

Luca looked up, across the water, to the human town, and inhaled.

"Silencio Bruno," he murmured to himself, before he jumped with a terrified, "Whoo-hoo!" as he went down.

"Yeah!" Alberto encouraged as he hit the water, and when the bubbles cleared, he was in his scaly teal sea monster form, with a lavender sea monster in front of him.

Alberto waited until he was ready, then giggled and swam off like a snake in the water, Luca following with a smile.

They came across a rock in their path, and Luca started to look deeper to swim around it, but Alberto grabbed his wrist and swam deeper.

"Woahh!" he gasped as Alberto swam back up and used his momentum to leap across the jutting rock, bringing Luca with him.

Luca flopped back into the water on the other side, eyes squeezed shut, as he was sure he would crash into the rock and spill his brains all over it.

He blinked his eyes open only to hear Alberto laugh with a laugh as he swam away.

Luca followed only to see him leap out of the water again, and he followed, but this only resulting in him flipping and tripping over the waves as he skidded across them.

He belly-flopped back into the water, stared up at Alberto continuing to pull off vigorous leaps, and did what he did before, snaking downwards and propelling himself up to fly through the air.

He whooped in excitement before he went back down, this time bringing his arms together to dive much less painfully.

Luca kicked his way out of the water, flipping onto his back in the air.

He stared at the human town in front of him and laughed, then gasped at how pretty it was, before falling back down.

He rotated himself before this, though, and skidded across the surface of the water on his legs, before chuckling and flipping back down just as his teal tail popped out of his shorts. 

Luca and Alberto continued to happily leap out of the water, giggling just like little kids.

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