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The place was filled up with over a thousand people. The Emperor, Empress, Lady, government officials, all four kings, guests and invited guests all sat down to celebrate.

Halima and Aadil were the first to walk in but Huda was hyperventilating about the fact that her groom was no where to be seen. He was present for the daurin aure but left right after.

"Where could he be?" Hasna asks.
She shakes her head, tears evident in her eyes "I don't know, we didn't exchange even a word throughout" she huffs annoyed and scared "What do I do?"

"Just calm down, why don't you call Uncle Awwal and inform him"
"Okay I—" she gets cut off by her vibrating phone.

She huffs and picks it up.


Huda, it's Amjad.

Where are you? We're going on soon and you're still not here.

I'm so sorry, something came up and I had to leave urgently.

Okay but I'm not going out there and embarrass myself.

I have it covered.
He ends the call.

She huffs.


Uncle Awwal walks in.
"Amjad just told me he left for the hospital" he says.

Huda nods "I didn't know he was at the hospital, he just left in a hurry"
"Apparently he was feeling lightheaded and a friend recommended going to the hospital, we wouldn't want him passing out in front of the guests".

She nods "That's true but Uncle Awwal I don't want to go out there alone"

He smiles "You don't have to. I'll call the driver to take you home. I'll tell them that he wasn't feeling so well and as his bride you had to escort him so just be at ease, okay?"

She nods "Thank you"
"Your brother couldn't make it, but your sister is here"

She huffs, faking a smile.
"Sounds exciting"

He raises his eyebrows "You know, I watched you three grow up, I know your qualities and problems. Amjad isn't an easy person, he loves keeping to himself, doesn't trust anyone and really hates insignificant circumstances so don't change who you are when he's being difficult, be patient and eventually you two will have a mutual understanding".

She smiles "You always find a way to make me feel better, thank you Uncle Awwal"

"You're welcome, now change into something comfortable, the driver will be waiting outside"

She nods "Okay".


Huda's  POV.

The house is actually an average size even though it's a bit too big for just two people.
The driver parked the car, gave me the keys and left, apparently it's a gift from uncle Awwal, makes sense why the seats are still unwrapped.

I stand on my front lawn looking at the house.
It had so many lights there wasn't even a dark corner. It looked identical to the other houses in the estate.

I sluggishly walk over and open the front door. It was pitch black and I didn't know my way around so I had no idea where I'd find the switch. 

I delve into my purse and quickly got out my phone and put on the flash. After a few minutes I finally find the switch and put it on.

The living room was average sized and cute.
From the tv stand to the rug everything was white.

After going around the whole floor and admiring it I decided to go upstairs and find my room so I can change and sleep, it's already 8pm but I feel like it's past midnight.

The first bedroom I find is obviously not mine as it had a dark theme, a dark shade of teal.
The second was probably just an extra room and then finally I find my room at the very end of the corridor.

It's actually bigger than all the other bedrooms and it even has a walk in closet and a huge bathroom.

In less than thirty minutes I was already in bed ready to sleep. This was not how I imagined being married, it was supposed to be Hafiz and things were supposed to make sense.

I huff and close my eyes, thinking about it would just hurt me.


I stare at him in horror.
His face was badly bruised.
Like he was in a brutal cage fight.

"What happened?!" I asked alarmed.
"Nothing" he says as he walked past me into the kitchen.

"You look battered" I say.
"It's nothing" he gets a bottle of water from the fridge and gulps down the whole bottle.

"You should get it cleaned"
"I will" he walks out.

The fact that he left the wedding ceremony without so much as a word, didn't come back the whole night and then showed up the next day by 7pm with a bruised face, it needed to be explained.

I follow him out.
"If it's nothing then why do you look like that? Why did you leave in a haste?"

"An emergency"
I huff "Fine" I walk back to the kitchen. I needed to be patient, this was what Uncle Awwal was talking about.


I smile looking at Halima.
She looked sad and bothered, not that I blame her. Everyone isn't really feeling okay.

I went outside to get some fresh air when I saw her walking by, apparently we have all been situated in this estate and the moment she told me that I couldn't help but think about Hafiz, he's now married to Raudah.

Eventually after we met we talked for a while and she invited me to her home. I never noticed but although all the house are identical, they all had a different color of paint and the interior was completely different, the building plan was dissimilar.

"So...What's it like being married? And to Amjad?" She asks curiously.

"Well as you can imagine it's heartbreaking that I didn't get to choose the person I loved"

I just smile and turn my head away.
"What about Aadil, what's he like?"
"He's timid, I can tell"

I shake my head "Don't judge just yet"
"Do you know him?"

I shake my head.
"Then believe me, he's timid. I heard him saying he'd drop by to pick Amjad up"

I pout "Maybe by now they're out, I left him too busy with some files to even notice I left"

"Did you call and tell him?" She asks alarmed.
I shake my head "No, I don't have his number"

"I think you should go home, so he wouldn't have to worry about you"
I smirk "Are you kicking me out?"

She keeps shaking her head, looking guilty and sad "No! No...No that's not the case, I just thought maybe—"

I start laughing, cutting her off.
"I'm joking, will you escort me out?"
"In a heartbeat" she links her arm with mine "You don't know how happy I am to see you"

"Me too"


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