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Time is a funny thing.
Sometimes it moves unbearably slow.
Sometimes it moves ridiculously fast.
And sometimes you make the mistake of thinking that you have more time then you do.

You convince yourself that something can last a lifetime when in reality you should just have been grateful for every short second that you got.

At Camp Wonder there were two girls who felt that way.
Both saddened by the time they had been robbed of.
Both angry at themselves for not cherishing the time they'd had more.

Trixie and Katya had barely talked about the recent change of plans since their first conversation about it. The two girls nearly avoiding eachother in order to keep from bringing up the argument they'd had.

"We are moving back to Russia." Katya said after taking a deep breath.

"You're what?!"

"Once camp is over, we will be going back. There is nothing I can do to stop it. I am sorry."

"Sorry doesn't fix this, Katya. But it's fine, I should've known anyways, I should've known that you wouldn't stay. No one ever really cares about me." Trixie said sadly as she turned to walk away.

"I do care! Please, I begged mama not to force me back. I would like nothing more than to stay here with you." Katya cried out.

"No, it's fine, just move back to Russia. I don't care. I should never had trusted that you'd stay to begin with. Stupidly I thought someone would actually put me first for once and fight to stay with me, I'm sorry for being so delusional." The doll said bitterly, knowing that her words were way too harsh, but being unable to stop herself from saying them.

"Trixie-" Katya tried to say, but the girl was already running away, disappearing over the green hills as grey clouds seemed to gather above them.

After that day, things had been very awkward, the two girl's barely able to speak to eachother, both of them hating that they weren't.

"Hey Katya, can we talk?" Trixie asked once Katya entered their shared room.

"Of course, what do you want to talk about?" The blue-eyed girl replied nervously, thinking she had done something more to upset the doll.

"I just... I hate this, us being all awkward and shit? I don't want to throw away what little time I have left with you on us being like this. I'm sorry for running away that day and I'm sorry for blaming you when I know it's out of your control."

"Do you really mean it?" Katya asked, shocked by the news that this was what the other girl had wanted to discuss.

"Yeah, I really do. Listen, I really really like you, and I don't want you to go back there thinking otherwise."

Katya had tears in her eyes, feeling overjoyed as she heard those words leave Trixie's lips for the first time in days.

"I really like you too."

"You better, you cunt." Trixie joked making the other girl let out a wheezy laugh. "I've missed this, us joking like this."

"I have to, I missed it a lot. Days are not the same when I can not joke with you."

"Yeah, honestly my days here have sucked without you." Trixie said with a laugh, only half-joking.

"Trixie... are we still, you know, girlfriends?" Katya asked, having been hesitant to ask that question ever since their argument.

"Of course we are!" Trixie said, pulling the Russian into a tight hug which Katya soon melted into, immediately comforted by the doll's touch. "I'd rather spend one tenth of a second in your arms than to not be in them at all. Okay? I wish we had more time together, but I won't keep throwing away the time we have." Trixie added.

Katya lifted her head from the Barbie's shoulder, placing a hand on Trixie's cheek before connecting their lips for the first time in days, sighing as she felt the familiar sparks of electricity serge through her as she did. Trixie's fingers soon curled themselves into the Russian's blonde locks as she deepened the kiss, their tongues dancing together elegantly.

In the safety of eachother they felt more alive than ever before. There they had a friendship that could never fade, a promise that could never be broken, a love that was pure and slowly growing stronger. They knew in that moment that no distance could take away what they had. It could transform itself into different forms, but it could not dissappear.

Even tho their time was ticking away, it seemed to last forever as they let themselves dissappear into the kiss. They were drowning into the warmth of eachother, a veil of safety surrounding them. There, in their little piece of heaven on earth, even a tenth of second seemed to last weeks, a minute turning into a year, an hour into a lifetime.

It was just them, nothing else.
In their universe they were all that mattered, they were all that existed.
In their universe nothing had changed, nothing would change.

In their universe they had all the time in the world.

Camp Wonder ✔~ trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now