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The four girls of Cabin 28 had gathered in the common area of their home for the summer to get to know each other better. There were no activities scheduled for the first day anyways, so the girls thought it best to spend the time together, especially since there was a new addition to the cabin. 

"This will be my summer, I can feel it. This is my year to hook up shamelessly." Amy said.

"God, I just want a romance this summer, I'm so sick of loneliness." Trixie chimed in.

"You have no boyfriend?" Katya asked the Barbie, figuring it was the best chance she'd have at an opening to figure out Trixie's sexuality. Her reply didn't come from Trixie however, instead Kim broke out in laughter before stating;

"Boyfriend? Trixie Mattel?"

"I'm a lesbian." Trixie explained before adding; "And if you're anti-lgbtq+, you can fuck all the way off because I've got no time for that bullshit." 

Katya breathed out a sigh of relief, both at the fact that the cabin was a safe space and at the fact that Trixie was not only single but also liked women.

"No, no, not to worry, I am gay too." Katya quickly said.

"Oh..." The doll replied, feeling her heart speed up and her cheeks redden as every scenario she'd imagined about Katya since they met, was suddenly not so far out of reach. One question was still important to ask however; "So... do you have a girlfriend, like back in Russia?" 

"No, no girlfriend." The Russian responded before jokingly adding; "I make loneliness work for me." 

Trixie, Kim, and Amy all broke out in laughter, Katya following along not long after.

"I like her, she's got a sense of humor, thank god." Kim said.

"Humor is only way to survive Russia." Katya said in false seriousness.

"Oh, was it really hard to live there?" Amy asked innocently.

"Well, I had very average life, you know, at age of 3 I was mowed by a bear. So naturally, I skipped... what is word... ah puberty. It was like woosh, 4 and a half years old and fully formed woman already. My grandmother will say many words of wisdom in this time, she told me to try my very best not to be ugly because ugliness will make death appear early. Of course our house there will also make you die, nails sticking out from wall, water comes out from all around, very hard living place. So you know, Russia it is not easy life, but we make do because as my grandmother would say; In Russia no one expects to be happy.

"Oh my god..." Trixie whispered out in shock before Katya broke out in a wheezing laughter. 

"You believed!" She yelled out in joy as she grabbed onto the armrest, kicking her feet out as she laughed. Trixie couldn't help but stare at the Russian girl for a moment, thinking of how cute she looked during the display of complete childlike joy from having fooled someone with her story.

"You fucking cunt! I trusted you!" The doll yelled out while laughing. 

"God, we're already at fake origin stories, this summer is going to be great." Kim laughed. 

"I can not believe you thought it was true." Katya said, still unable to stop her laughter.

"How was I suppose to know? You sounded so sincere! Amy, you believed her too, right?" 

"Well... no, because Trixie no one hits puberty at age 3, that's just basic science." Amy said with a giggle.

"You are all assholes, I hate all of you." Trixie said with a pout, crossing her arms. She hated being wrong, hated getting tricked, and loved to act like a brat whenever she could.

"Oh it is okay, Trixie, I do also not know anything about science, other than that it is really good for you." Katya said, making Trixie giggle at the sheer ridiculousness of the statement. 

Once the laughter had calmed a little, their eyes met for a second, Katya's ocean blue pools connecting with Trixie's honey brown orbs in an electrifying moment, both girl's feeling a sudden heat and flutter in their hearts before they abruptly looked away from each other.

"Well then, I don't wanna be here when ya'll decide to fuck each other on the coffee table, so I'm gonna go say hi to the others." Kim said, clasping her hands together before standing up.

"Wait, what? We're not g-" Trixie started, but Kim swiftly interrupted her.

"I don't need the details, Trix. You coming, Ames?" 

"Yeah, see you later. Have fun, but not too much fun." Amy said with a wink.

"I'm gonna kill you both!" Trixie yelled after them as they left the cabin giggling. She twiddled her thumbs nervously, the room suddenly feeling very hot and a lot smaller. "Sorry about them... they always get very excited about setting me up with people...."

"It is nothing to apologize for, they are... what is the word... awesome." Katya said with a smile, proud of herself for remembering the word that she'd heard Andrew use earlier that day.

"Okay good, glad you like them." 

"I..." Katya started, but she stopped herself, too scared to freak the other girl out.

"You what?" Trixie asked curiously, noting the Russian's nervous behavior before adding; "It's okay, you can tell me, whatever it is."

"Oh.. I.. I like you best of all."

Trixie blushed a deep crimson, shyly looking down on her lap for a second as she bit her lip to half-disguise her smile.

"I like you a lot too, Katya. You could easily become my favorite person at this rate. Honestly, I think this summer is gonna be the best one yet."

"I know this will be best summer for me." Katya replied with a soft smile.

Both girls could feel that something undefinable was beginning, an air of anticipation surrounding them as they walked up to the starting line of their summer together, ready to embark on whatever adventure was waiting for them.

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