The Boss' Girlfriend

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Going home after a hard day of work is exhausting. As soon as Karter got home, she tossed her purse on the couch, took her shoes off at the door, and walked right into the bathroom.

I need to shower but I don't want to wash off any of his kisses..

Karter debated with herself for a long while before giving into the need to shower. She undressed, started the water, and then stared at her body.

"Wow.." She said aloud to herself.

Gowen had marked her all over. He promised he would go easy on her since it was her first time with him but after the first few minutes of soft thrusts and eager whimpers, she needed all of him. She needed all of his energy focused on her.

And she got exactly that.. for the price of her legs shaking the rest of the afternoon and a bit into the evening. No one noticed though.. or at least said anything regarding it.

Just as she was taking down her messy ponytail to get into the shower, her phone rings. The name lights up her phone on the sink counter: Gowen. Karter had given him her number in hopes he would call her for more reasons than just work.

Answering, she made sure to keep the camera directed off of herself.

"Hey, what's up?" She bit her lip, already feeling nervous about him calling.

"Are you in the shower??" He laughed, getting closer to his phone to see her camera better. "You didn't have to answer if you were busy, love..."

"No no I'm not in the shower yet but I don't have clothes on so that's why I'm not showing my face.."

"Well how about you prop the phone and take your shower while I talk to you about what your job is tomorrow..?"

"Prop... prop up my phone? But what if I flash you??" Karter hesitated as his expression showed unamusement.

"Karter, I stripped you..." He reminded her. "I bet you can still feel my lips all over your skin right now."

Shit he's right.

"I.. I know that! I just.." She huffed in embarrassment as she propped her phone to face the wall across from the mirror. "There.."

Karter had her arm across her chest to hide her boobs from the camera. Gowen could barely see past the start of her hips.

"Wow..." Thats all he could say as he admired her and the hickeys/love bites he had put on her figure.

"You won't be able to see me while I'm showering, ok?" She told him as she started scooting out of frame in order to shower.

He could only nod. She could tell he was excited because of how intensely he watched the phone until she was out of frame. His face went a deep red and he propped his phone up as well in order to give himself both hands to remind himself of what he did to that same body he got to see just a few moments ago.

As she told him about her friend, Jasmine, who was planning on hanging out this weekend, he was pleasuring himself. Small "mhm"s and shaky "really?"s were the only things he could say as he remembered everything he did to Karter's fragile frame.

Bent over the desk... fuuuck! A hand over her mouth and a hand pleasuring her clit. It's so vivid and fresh in his mind yet it happened so many hours ago.

"Wait.. what are you doing, Gowen?" Karter started to pick up on his noises when he was getting close to finishing.

"Mhhgh nothing! Keep talking." He groaned, trying to keep his breathing under control. He was nearing his edge.

"I know what you're doing!" The light bulb finally clicked in her brain. "Put your hands behind your head now!"

"But... yes, ma'am.." He whined as he let go of himself and did as he was told.

Wow it's so hot when I get to control him!

Karter grabbed the phone to make sure he was actually listening. "Good boy! You didn't ask permission to even start doing that, did you?"


"No, what?"

"No, ma'am."

That's right, puppy, listen to me and be nice and obedient!~

"How badly do you need it?" Karter began to smirk when his eyes fixated on the skin he could see of hers.

"I need it so bad.." He whimpered, letting her take control of him.

"Show me how bad you need it, Gowen." She bit her lip, loving his submission.

Through the rest of her shower, Karter teased him and forced him to edge himself until he was almost crying while begging for relief. Finally, she gave in to his pathetic whines and let him finish.

"Fuuuck!" He moaned out lowly, making butterflies swarm in her stomach.

She quickly finished her shower and got out. She wiped the phone since it got water on it and propped it back up where it was supposed to be beforehand. She checked her bare self out in the mirror while Gowen stared at her body.

"What are you staring at?" She teased, hiding her body under the towel.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Karter Pierre?" He blurted, making her genuinely drop the towel she was covered by. She was a bit shocked yet she didn't know why.. they had sex. Of course he would ask to date.

"Yes... Yes I would like that very much, sir."

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