The Contract

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A week passes. Multiple reports of Karter being late to work definitely caught the bosses attention. Not entirely in a good way.

"Miss Pierre?" The same old woman whispered as Karter struggles to keep her focus on the monitor in front of herself.

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Come with me, dearest. The boss would like to have a word with you."


Following the old lady to a meeting room, Karter felt herself become queasy with fear of being laid off after only five days of sitting in an office and typing about random things the boss told her to write about.

"Sit, miss." The lady said as she pulled out a chair. "He will be with you shortly."


Karter sat. The lady closed the door and walked away. The clock on the wall ticked anxiously, awaiting the boss to enter the room.

Almost 10 minutes into the waiting, the boss entered the room. A piece of his hair was coming out of place and it bothered Karter to her core. He bowed his head at her slightly before sitting across the table from her.

"Hello, Miss Pierre." He spoke with his eyes on the window. "Do you have any idea why-"

"I'm sorry, sir, but I have to fix this." Karter walked to him and moved the piece of hair out of his face. He looked up at her as she adjusted his hair so it'll stay out of his face.

The eye contact made Karter nervous. He noticed her face glow red as she moved her hands away from him. After almost a whole minute of frozen silence, Karter quickly moved back to her seat and her boss cleared his throat.

"As I was saying..." He chuckled as he adjusted in his seat. "I'm here to let you know that you are laid off of your current job because I have a new job for you."

"Oh... what job do you have for me, sir?" She questioned as she finally made small eye contact with him again.

"Well. I'm going to need your signature so I know you're not going to tell anyone outside of this meeting room.."

"Wait what??"

As he repeated himself, he took out a piece of paper and offered her a pen.

"Can I ask why I have to sign this?" Karter asked, unsure if she should take the pen or not.

"I can't tell you than information until you sign the contract." He smiled slightly, seeming to enjoy the focus that Karter was putting into the decision.

After a bit of thinking, she wrote K~Pierre on the signature line. He watched her hand as she shakily handed the pen back to him. She made sure their hands didn't touch hands while transferring the pen from her hand to his.

"Thank you." He gave her a slight smile before putting the pen back in his pocket. Karter watched his veiny hand as he slid his fingers into his pocket to adjust the pen. He seemed to notice the effect he had on her.

He watched her face while switching from index and middle finger to middle and ring finger into the pocket. In... out.. in.. and out. Karter's breathing hitched when he took his fingers out of his pocket.

Her legs crossed as the sexual tension flooded the room, drowning the area with nervousness. She looked down at her shoes to hear him laugh. When she glanced up, he was leaning back more in his chair with a devilish grin.

"So.. now that I um.. now that I signed the contract, what should I be doing? Since I'm laid off of my job right now..." Karter tried changing the topic, rubbing the back of her neck as she asked.

"Well.." He thought, still watching Karter's facial expressions. "You could always help me with tasks around the workplace until I get your new job situated..?"

"I.. I don't mind, sir." She trailed off, her eyes moving down his figure.

Fuuuck! The tension in the room is so hard to handle.

To ruin the moment, the old lady knocked on the door of the meeting room. He exhaled, seeming to let tension escape and soak into Karter's thoughts.

"Come on in, Opal." He called out to the old lady.

Opal, the old woman, opened the door. "Sir, you have an interview with Aaron Winstons in about five minutes.."

"Thank you, Opal."

"Of course, sir." She bowed before closing the door and walking away again.

His eyes shifted right back to Karter's. The blush around her features intrigued him enough to keep messing with her.

Oh this will be such a fun time~

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