little notes part 02

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Jeonghan's lips are so soft on his, so sweet. Jeonghan pulled away and they stared at each other.

"I won,"


When Jeonghan said that, like a whisper, Joshua was confused.

'What does he mean? Does he mean that he won his heart because he isn't wrong about that or does he mean something else?'

Joshua was in thought until he finally had the guts to say something after what happened.

"What do you mean Jeonghan? Won what? My heart, because you're right, you did win my heart, ever since I confirmed that I liked you-" He was cut off when Jeonghan laughed.

"Do you think I like you?" He continued laughing, "you thought I like someone like you?  For real, I do like guys, but not you. That kiss was a mistake. I only did that for a bet, now I won free drinks from Seungcheol" Jeonghan laughed harder.

"Dude, if you get that glasses guy who bumps into you earlier to kiss you, then I get you free drinks at the bar tonight," Seungcheol said smirking.

"That's it? Okay fine, don't break your word Cheol," Jeonghan said as he thought about how to start his plan.


"But Mr. Yoon, your grades are just fine, you don't need a tutor,"

"But Mr. Lee, I'm having trouble in this lesson, can I please just get a tutor?" 

"Okay fine, but I will let Mr. Hong tutor you. He is our top student here,"

"That would be great, but don't tell him I requested one, just say my dad did," Jeonghan smirked as Mr. Lee nodded in agreement.

Joshua was heartbroken. His crush played with his feelings. He should've thought this would come but he always thought about what if he can change him to stop being like this, but he never did. Joshua's eyes are now filled with tears. He is feeling frustrated, angry, and sad all at the same time. He really wanna punch him right now, but he can't.

"I know you never wrote those little notes. It might be someone else who wrote this because clearly, it's not you. You probably just told me that you did it so you can have a piece of me. I thought you were serious back there," Jeonghan laughed and laughed as he said that, not thinking that he broke Joshua's heart every second by the minute.

Joshua stood up and grabs everything. He just wanted to go home. He cant cry in front of his crush, well ex-crush now, it's embarrassing. Joshua was ready to go out of his room but he builds up all his confidence and said;

"Have fun with those free drinks, and for your information, I did wrote all the little notes. Every single one of them. From the beginning until now." 

And with that, Joshua left Jeonghan's room with a slam. Joshua ran out to the door without even bowing at Jeonghan's dad, still looking through some paperwork. Joshua was in deep thought about what happened. He never experienced this kind of feeling towards someone but that someone just broke his heart into a thousand pieces. All the buses are probably done for the day so he called an Uber. He waited until it came and went home. He was crying nonstop, probably making the uber driver uncomfortable, but he can't help it.

All the things he did just so he can call Jeonghan his, was all thrown away like a piece of garbage. He thought after Jeonghan confessed, he changed him, that he was the reason why he changed, that Jeonghan was desperate to find the person who kept on giving little notes, but no. He acted on for a stupid bet. 

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