NPC's Thoughts about Y/N

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[A/N: I'm just really bored and I don't have any idea to write the next new chapter. I will only include NPC from Mondstadt and Liyue and the few that I remember. Don't know why I do this but I just want to]

Adelinde aka the Head Maid in Dawn Winery

- Overall thinks you're a very nice and attractive person.

- "Is Y/N Master Diluc's sugar baby or boyfriend? But Y/N seems to be more intimate with Master Kaeya as well..."

- She still wondering about your relationship with those two.

- "Why does his hair change color? Isn't it bad for his hair to dye very often."

- "His clothes look pretty nice though."

Albert aka Barbara creepy fans

- Very jealous of you and despise you so much

- "Why he get to be so close to Barbara-sama?"

- "Did he just get a performance from Barbara-sama for free and alone?!"

- "I see I have another competitor other than Bennett."

Allan aka the hunter that we have to save the whole time

- Thankful that you were there to save him again. Find you really handsome and seems to think of you a lot but never really noticed how often he thought of you.

- "I'm yet again being save by him again..."

- "He really look cool fighting off those (insert monster)"

- "Isn't it a pain for him to change his clothes everyday?"

- "He really can dress up everyday though. Everything he wore look so good on him..."

- "What gift would be perfect for a thank you gift... Aside Mora and Primogems... Maybe Sticky Honey Roast? Does he like any flowers? I should ask Paimon..."

- "I have a feeling he's going to lecture me for going on a hunt without Draff..."

- "I am surprised he has the guts to lecture Draff for drinking too much... Is he close to Diona?"

Anna aka the sick girl that was by the fountain

- Find you are really kind and aspire to be an adventurer like you.

Before being cured:

- "It must be nice to be able run around the city... wait did he just climb instead taking the stairs?"

- "I wonder why he always look in hurry."

- "Is he on a date with Lisa? I never thought I see Lisa going out with someone."

- "His tea really does soothes my throat... It's nice of him to make a drink for me."

- "He's really close to the other traveler... Am I wrong to think that he was dating Lisa?"

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