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A/N: this does contain some mature language etcc, I HAVE SEEN WEST SIDE STORY but my memory is pretty shit, so correct me if i'm wrong! and the photo above is what Cordelia (main character) looks like, ok i'm done.

"Are you fucking kidding me Johnny?" Screeched the middle-aged, short woman angrily gesturing at the boy.
"I am not dealing with your shit right now, OUT. OUT!!!" The woman burst out the last words in an angry huff and scanned the room, infuriated, searching for other victims to encounter her fuelled rage.

"Cordelia, don't you dare give me that look of yours you ungrateful bastard, get out, you have your own place! The both of you out now!".

Cordelia made silent protests and rolled her eyes, desensitised to her mother's rants and she began to casually stroll out the room as the door loudly crashed behind the siblings.

"So much for a visit to see my family!" Cordelia sarcastically muttered under her breath. After a few moments of silence, curiosity peaked in Cordelia's face as her eyebrow narrowed on her brother.

"John, what the hell did you do?" She perked, rummaging her brain for her brothers recent troubles. None came to mind.

"It's best if you don't know about it." John avoided eye contact, fixated on the floor as they exited the building and into a breeze of fresh air. Cordelia looked at her brother through unbelieving eyes and shrugged.

"As long as you stay safe, alright. You're aware of all the gang hassle around with 'Sharks' and 'Jets', don't want you becoming a target." Cordelia gave her brother a warm smile as he returned with a little nod.

"I'm meeting up with Florence, see you later alright?"

Without an answer Cordelia walked off, John always was silent after their mother lashed out and she was as understanding as she could be about that.

Gazing into the windows of Doc's she bit her lip slightly and debated how much time she had on her hands. Val was a lovely lady who owned the shop and always gave Cordelia great company, and judging from her growling stomach, her body wasn't so stoked about missing breakfast. Ending her inner conflict was yet another vicious growl escaping her stomach.


Grabbing a bag of anything off the shelves she focused on her heels which were being obnoxiously loud, serving their purpose with great efficiency. Cordelia silently cursed herself for being so caught up in the 'current, hip' fashion and longed for the comfort of something not mockingly clicking at her every step.

Cordelia and Val chatted at the register, catching each other up on current events and finally she remembered why she entered the shop.

She presented the bag to Val who looked up at her with a grin, "Opinions on my nutritious breakfast?" Cordelia remarked, offering her the best 'it's early and i'm tired but still trying' smile.
"Don't you have a friend to be meeting?" Val chuckled, gesturing to the clock, recognising Cordelia's complete unawareness as she looked up.

"Oh, well you're right there! I hope Florence doesn't kill me, see you!" Val gave her a warm smile and a little wave as Cordelia obliviously walked towards the door, yet again fixated on the frustrating clicking of her shoes.


Cordelia felt two things extremely quickly, first, the quick colliding with a hard body entering the doorway and second, and more notably, a hand placed on her back stopping the destined fall to the floor. Craning her neck upwards her eyes connected with the stranger, he seemed confused as to why anyone wouldn't look at a door when exiting but accompanied with his playful grin and a cocky glint in his eyes, he looked overwhelmingly... intriguing?

Cordelia quickly gazed at the ground and back up at him with a slight smile, "You know usually I fall to the floor when I do something embarrassing like this, so I guess I'm improving."

Cordelia slightly furrowed her eyebrows with cringe on why she was trying to make such casual ongoing conversation with a stranger who most likely thinks she's a clumsy idiot.

"You have me to thank, Clicky." The man stated, clearly amused. 'Clicky' Cordelia repeated in her head, sounded like a taunt but she still found herself smiling to the word. Atleast somebody else had noticed the obnoxious sound of heels.


"Well y'know your heels do make quite the racket, and you seemed pretty focused on them." He retorted with a grin.

"Sorry for the whole collision..." she stammered, realising her obnoxious state caused this accident and also deflecting from the nickname.

He looked down at her, intrigued and allowed Cordelia to balance again as he slowly removed his hand from her back. 'Holy shit I forgot his hand was there' Cordelia thought, suddenly aware of the missing touch. She cringed at her own thoughts again and mentally shaked it off, attempting to get her act together.

He gave a slight nod to her and remarked, "Saving a damsel in distress, gotta give me a good reputation for the day" with a wink at the end. Cordelia battled her willpower to not seem charmed and instead slightly tilted her head at him,

"Damsel in distress, Clicky? Not the best at nicknames." Cordelia chuckled slightly.

"Well I'm yet to have a name to the face.." he replied, slightly raising his eyebrows with interest. A smirk crossed her face and she sighed,

"Guess the nicknames will continue for the next 5 seconds of our encounter, such a shame." With a small smile, she whispered a thank you and exited the shop.

"Well then bye, Clicky" the man grinned, watching as she walked away into the labyrinth of streets, both obliviously unaware to the fate of their next meeting.

A/N: hope you enjoyed! already got the next chapter planned (it's gonna be cool) but it's 5am and i'm so tired omfg, tell me what you thought!

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