He pulled away from the embrace then left. Cam went back upstairs then came back with sweatpants on. I grabbed a can of Arizona out of the fridge and went into the guest bedroom, where we filmed our videos and such. I set my can down after I took a drink. I grabbed my laptop and brainstormed. I decided to make a video. I went back to the living room and got Cam's attention. He looked at me.

"You remember those boxes of those either really good or really bad jelly beans?"

"Yeah, bean boozled?"

"I was thinking of doing a video, then I thought maybe we could do a challenge out of it. What do you think?"

"Yeah, totally! Let's do it!" He said as he got up.

He went and got them while I went to the kitchen. I got two bowls and a bottle of water for Cam. I got back in the guest bedroom and Cam was in there waiting. I gave him a bowl and we both split the jelly beans. I turned on the camera and started to record.

"Hey guys! It's Bri! I'm here today and my lovely best guy friend and I are going to do the 'Bean Boozled' challenge." I said holding one of the boxes close to the lense.

"I am here with Cameron Dallas, and we're going do this pretty simple. We're gonna try them and see how this goes." I said then I took a deep breath.

Cam started bouncing on the bed smiling. I laughed and then he eventually calmed down.

"Okay, pick up the orange and red one." I said and we picked them up.

"Now this one is either peach or vomit." I made a disgusted face.

We popped them in our mouth and started chewing. Mine was peach and Cam looked sick.

"Oh my god you got the vomit!!!" I said trying not to laugh.

He spit it out in the trash can and took a drink of water. We did this for a good half an hour. I got a rotten egg one and almost died. Cam laughed really hard, then we decided to stop.

"So that is the end of this diguisting adventure!" I said smiling.

"I hope you guys liked it, give it a thumbs up, and subscribe if you haven't already because, well why not? Make sure to go follow my other social media, which will be down below. Also don't forget to follow lovely Cameron on his social media, also down below in the description. I love you guys!" I blew a kiss then shut the camera off.

"Now to edit it." I said with a sigh.

I got on my laptop and began. I heard the front door shut, and I shot up out of my chair. I opened the door quickly and ran to what I saw to be Nash. I jumped on him and attacked his face with kisses.

"I missed you so much bb!!!!"

"I think I missed you more!"

"Well Cam and me making a video helped me keep my mind off of it." I said as we seperated and I looked at him.

Cam came and stood beside me.

"How'd it go? Did you get it?"

"Yeah man! I got it!" They bro hugged.

"Wait, what did you get?"

"I got a part in the movie that Cam's in too!" He said and smiled brightly.

I started jumping up and down.

"I'm soooo happy for you!

"But the bad part is, we're not going to be home a lot. Cam and I will be very busy on set, then I'm going to make a video with Jake."

"Well that's fine. We can always see each other at times when it's convenient."

"Maybe you can even come to set and watch us film." Nash smiled.

"Maybe." I smiled back.

"Well I think it's time to do what you want for the rest of the day!" Nash said.

"Yay!!! Pennyboarding time!" I jumped and clapped.

I ran upstairs and changed my clothes. I took a shower first then went to my closet. I changed into acid washed high waisted shorts, a crop top that says swaggy, I tied a flannel around my waist, then got my black converse. I went in the bathroom and straightened my hair, also putting makeup on. I grabbed my 'boss' snapback. I put it on backwards. It was black with pink letters and a pink bill. I grabbed my penny board that was pink on top, and it had a mural art on the bottom of graffiti art. I went back downstairs and Nash went up to change. Cam was waiting with his penny board. I grabbed my Ray Bans off the counter and put them on top of my hat. I had also grabbed Nash's keys from the key ring we had by the door. Nash came back downstairs in shorts, a T-shirt with a flannel over it. He had on his vans. He also grabbed Ray Bans. He had his rings on. I remembered playing with those before. I chuckled to myself then we headed out of the door.

Forever? (Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now