《☆》But I Want You《☆》

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Resident Evil 8

Ethan × BSAA!Reader

Type: Angst/Fluff

Warnings: None


Part two to 'Not Meant For You' cause ya'll wanted it uwu

I had to rewatch the ending of RE8 to write this and I starTED CRYING WHY'D THEY KILL ETHAN


I'm sorry, I'm in pain

And I'm working on another request rn, but it may take a while cause of school and I've been procrastinating and making a doodle page of Ethan KDJAKDKS

But it's almost the weekend so maybe I'll get another oneshot out thennn

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For once the only emotion she could identify was fear. No longer was there that lingering, empty pit inside her, for it was pushed aside and replaced by nerves of terror. Seeing Mia walk around through the glass window of their home didn't bring that uneasiness – at least not in the form it was usually in – since she knew damn well the dark haired woman in there was not Mia.

How long had it been that way? How long had they all been oblivious to the threat living under the Winterses house? If only she hadn't focused on these petty emotions, then maybe she could've detected it sooner.

"I swear to god, if any of you miss and shoot Ethan, I'll have all your heads." (Y/n) practically growled throughout her radio system, which was currently connected to the entire squad surrounding the house. Chris was somewhere in the front, waiting with the trucks while she was going to enter with the rest of the team. If she was next to him now, she was sure he would stifle a laugh at her threat.

"Understood. Locking onto target and commencing in three... two... one..!"

Right after the count down gunshots rang out, the house turning into a warzone in a single minute. The sound of glass shattering, lights breaking, and tableware falling combined with the rapid gunfire, and all she could see was bullets flying with the orange glow they emitted from leaving each automatic gun. Once they deemed the target eliminated, all guns were ordered to a ceasefire and forces to move in.

"Target eliminated. Move in to recover the body and begin securing Rosemary and Ethan Winters."

(Y/n) was the first to rush ahead of the entire team, hastily jumping through the broken window and landing into the dining room of the home. Relief swept over her when she spotted Ethan slowly peeking out, unharmed from the gunfire since he had hid under the wooden table. "Mia... Oh god—" He choked out, focused solely on the limp, bloody woman on the ground, multiple holes in her body from every bullet that pierced her.

《☆》RE7/RE8: Ethan Winters x Reader | Oneshots Edition《☆》Where stories live. Discover now