《☆》Thunder Storm Kisses《☆》

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Resident Evil 7 (After)

Ethan × Wife!Reader

Type: Fluff

Warnings: Traumatic flashbacks


There's been a dust storm at night these past few days and I love the rain so much so uh

Have some fluff I wrote because it gave me some inspiration ;w;

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The room was near pitch black, the usual soft, blue rays of the moon providing no illumination, for itself and the stars above were covered by thick, grey clouds. Rain pelted across the glass pane of the window, creating a melodic background noise that was soothing to the ears. It was calm and all that could be heard besides from that was the swishing of the tree leaves outside the house.

Two forms lay sound asleep on the king sized bed, covered by thick, duvet sheets of a tan shade. It was like a safety net around them, preventing anything from getting close, especially the windy, cold air that was wildly blowing outside and creating a cooler atmosphere in the interior of the house. Unfortunately, the smaller figure was shivering uncomfortably, the security of the duvet doing nothing to ease her stirring form.

Slowly but surely the storm began to pick up more outside. The rain that was once softly sliding down the windows began to quicken into bullets, slapping down against the glass surface noisily. Much like the water droplets, the wind outside began to howl loudly, swishing the trees and other plants outside viciously. Not too long after the bedroom was illuminated in a vibrant white light for a split second, lightning crackling across the sky in the clouds as a warning for the nasty storm that was rolling into place.

The thunder that boomed across the sky subsequently was what finally roused the woman from her uneasy slumber. It was defeaning, shaking the floor of the house in the slightest and startling her awake instantly. Her form bolted upright in a cold sweat, eyes wide with panic as fear gripped at her chest, the images from her previously closed eyelids still very much evident in her vision.

(Y/n)'s hands grasped tightly at the covers now pooled around her waist, before feeling around and trying to identify where she was. As her pupils dilated in the darkness and she made out the furniture of the room she shared with her husband, the panic flaring up inside her began to wane. Those god awful images left her mind, instead replaced by the comfort of her own home that happened to be far away from that wrenched place.

For a while her breathing was erratic and it took a moment before she got herself under control. Recollecting those events in the form of a nightmare almost every other night was unpleasant and definitely took a toll on her. It hadn't been occurring much until as of lately, to which she herself had noticed how paranoid and jittery it made her. No matter how much she tried to reassure herself that everything was fine now, that they were fine now, she couldn't help but feel her sense of security was false.

Once her breathing had calmed – at least to quieter, strained huffs – she allowed her (E/c) eyes to gaze to her side, which were still rather wide from the lingering terror in her heart. The minute her gaze landed on the lump under the duvet with a head of dirty blonde hair sticking out from under, relief instantly flooded her systems.

《☆》RE7/RE8: Ethan Winters x Reader | Oneshots Edition《☆》Where stories live. Discover now