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Since I was a boy, I hated the rain

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Since I was a boy, I hated the rain. It made everything seem so muddy and grim after it poured for hours on end. It made the air unbelievable humid, sticky, and thick. It made me feel disgusting. 

On the day of my father's funeral, it rained. A tell-tale sign that the rest of my time spent would more than likely end in a shit-show. 

My father wasn't a good man, by any means. His work was built on unethical means and immoral actions, but at least I could argue that he was decent father. Granted, he was absent often and placed an extreme amount of pressure on me and my siblings, but he did his best. 

My father was never cried. He never bore his emotions out for the world to see because he believed that showing emotion showed weakness, and weakness gets you killed. He was never vulnerable because vulnerability would mean let your guard down, and the second you let your guard down, you die.  

So, in a similar way, I believed that vulnerability and emotions were things that I could never display for the world to see. I had to have this hard exterior or else, they would consume me until there is nothing left to consume. 

I had to be heartless. 

As we sit in the family room of the Manor waiting for my father's will to be read, my mind wander to the memories of my father and I, even though there weren't many. At age 10, things between us began to shift, he went from the loving, dotting father into the man who would shape me into the person I am today, a perfectly sculpted machine. 

"Hello, I am the attorney of the late Alec Aetos, and I am prepared to present the will." My attention shifts back to the dark, large office room where family members mourn. The sound of rain pit and pattering against the window filled the room. The sound of sobs coming from my mother, sisters, and aunts fought for dominance over the minimal whispers of the men, who attempted to comfort them. 

"Before I begin to read out the inheritance of all who are present on the will, I must read out the necessary requirements for the recipients to receive their inheritance," the lawyer spoke softly. 

"For Xiomara Aetos to receive her 1/4 share of the family company and 1/2 of the family's estate, she must continue her college education and follow through with a commitment of her choice." The once bright smile on Xiomara face fell. She has never been one to follow through with any commitments. I remember vividly when we were children, Xiomara took up horse-back riding but that only lasted a week. Voices around the room sounded along the walls.

Mara looked as though she could cry. Rafael tried to comfort but it was put to no use. 

"For Ana Aetos to receive her 1/4 share of the family company and the other 1/2 of the family's estate, she must invest in something other than her herself." The tears that streamed down Ana's face were instantly dried, and her sobs had completely seized. 

What the hell is going?  I thought to myself.  Why are we all getting ultimatums. 

Granted, Ana was always a sweet kid, but she had a habit of impulsively spending on pretty much anything. One time in high school. she spent over a thousand dollars on food. In a week. 

Again, the voice of the lawyer broke the pregnant silence. 

"For Rafael Aetos to receive his 1/4 share of the family company and become consigliere  to the Don, he must prove that he can commit to a relationship, and so he must date family friend, Mackenzie Sawyer for a minimum of a year." The smirk that once graced Ralph's face fell and his eyes bulged. 

Mackenzie and Rafael were a couple from high school well into a our adult years until Rafael cheated on her with her best-friend. She has hated him since and events have been extremely awkward since. It would take God himself to descend from heaven before those two will ever get back together. 

"What the actual fuck," exclaimed Rafael while he stormed out the room, the slammed door leaving a residing thud. 

The lawyer looked a bit startled but soon recollected himself and started right where he left off, "For Santiago Aetos to receive his 1/4 shared in the family company, the title Don of the Famiglia and CEO of Aetos Technology, and the Family Manor, he must get married and provide an heir within the next year." 

The murmurs that were once shushed irrupted again, but this time with higher volume. How could anyone possible get married within a year of knowing the person and not only that, but have a child as well.

My heart fell to my stomach, and my stomach fell to my ass. I have worked my entire life to earn my rightful place as CEO of Aetos Technology and Don of the famiglia, and all of it could be taken away from me. 

"If they don't follow through with these wishes, who will inherit their shares, Don and the family company," my mother's calmed voice broke through the noise. 

"Mr. Aetos states that if the wishes are not completed in the allotted time, the inheritance will go to the male family member who is closest in age and has already settled down." 

As the lawyer began to be bombarded with questions, he raised his voice in order to mask the noise coming from my family members, "My condolences for your loss, but I really must be taking my leave now. I hope you all have blessed day." 

And as the lawyer stepped out of the room, the rain that was quietly pattering the window began to pound belligerently against the surfaces. My family attempted to crowd me and offer me words of encouragement, but I politely declined. I sat in the back of the black Range Rover with my heart and mind heavy. 

I told you it was going to be a shit-show.  


Thank you so much for reaching the end of chapter 2. 

What do you think about the ultimatums?

What would you have done? 

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Be sure to leave any comments on how to improve or thing that I could do better

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