10| M e e t i n g H i s D a d

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Avery P.O.V.

4 days laters

I groaned before sitting up in the bed. I have bed rest hair. It is everywhere, tangle up. I sigh before checking the time on my phone seeing it was 10:00

I sigh before turning over feeling the bed empty and I frowned feeling the coldness on the couch.

The last few days I've been staying here. Of course I had my freedom. After out date that night was so unimaginable and unforgettable.

Remembering the way he took my body had me feeling some type of way inside.

He practically begged me to say. I have to say, I never knew I'll have him on his knees. A mafia king matter factly.

I got up before heading to the bathroom during my hinges. I had already took my bath last night and is just doing my regular routine I always do.

I already one pair of clothes for my stay over.

I put on the outfit before heading out the room towards Adrian office.

I walked straight in without knocking seeing him in his chair looking over paperwork on his desk.

Immediately as I enter his head went up and stares at me before settling his pencil down smirking.

"I see your finally up" he said as I rolled my eyes. He's being a lil to cocky for me.

I make my way towards him behind his office desk and make myself comfortable on his lap.

He immediately secured his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. I feel him put his face in my neck and sniff as I shudder as he kissed my shoulder.

We sat in silence for a minute before he decided to speak.

"Let's go shop-" he started but I cut him off


"Why" he ask

"I don't like shopping" I replied nonchalantly.

"Well were going"

"No I don't wanna" I said firmly.

"I wanna spend money on you and that's the end of this discussion whether you agrees or don't, your going" he said sternly.

Of course I agreed but I wasn't going to get nothing.


Once we got at the mall and started shopping with the bodyguard a littl far behind us not to make it suspicious, he realized that I wasn't going to touch nothing.

"Just buy something " he said

"With my money"

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