Chapter 23

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I huffed out a breath and put out the lit cigarette that had been between my lips only moments before. The purpose for which I put it there had already been served; my stress was elevated in minutes.

I grimaced as my brain formed an image of Rosie the first time she had seen me smoke. She would hate it if she knew I was smoking now, hell she would be furious if she saw me now but my choices were slim. Smoking was one of my many bad habits but it was the best and quickest way for me to relieve my stress without lashing out and punching a random stranger on the street.

And stress wasn't my only reason for damaging my lungs, my brain was going haywire at the moment I couldn't focus on one thing at a time, and even though I tried to be strong for her the truth was I didn't know what the fuck I was going to do.

All I knew was that I would protect her with my life, meaning she'd never be going back to live with her parents. Ever.

This beyond shitty situation caused my presence here, outside of my parent's house juggling different scenarios around in my head for what was about to take place.

This was the last place I thought I would be but there was no way in hell I was letting anyone take her away from me and as much as I didn't want to be here now I had to, for her.

My car was set to park right out front of the large building and I recollected my thoughts as I pulled into the parking lot knowing for a fact that guards wouldn't be allowing me to pass so much as the front gate as per my father's orders.

     I shut my car door as I made my way out and marched towards the gate, a lanky looking man approached me he was dressed in guard attire and was probably taking a night shift, his eyes were tired and worn out as he eyed me, and if you ask me I'd say he was paid way too little to deal with what he was about to right now.

He probably recognized me, everyone who worked for my father did. "I'm sorry sir but I have strict orders not to let you in"

     I only chuckled and sighed, I didn't have half the mind to knock him unconscious, I wasn't in the mood nor did I have the time for that, plus I wanted to make the encounter with my father as quickly as possible. I had left Rosie at home asleep; to her knowledge, I was asleep beside her but here I was doing anything but that. And I needed to be back before she woke up, I just had to.

     "I'm here to see my father". I spoke with a short and clipped tone.

     "Look, my shift will be over in 10 minutes and the next guy won't be here until 15. I really don't have time to deal with this bullshit right now."

     My jaw clenched as my fist itched to punch this guy across the face. Sure, maybe he wasn't paid nearly enough but he was still paid? And that counted for him doing his job right at least.

I sighed and shrugged this would be a lot easier than I had anticipated.

     "Or I can walk through the gate and you can pretend you never saw me"

     I made sure to show him I wasn't joking around, and I wasn't. If it were up to me this guy would've been knocked out cold by now but I really didn't want to have to explain to Rosie why my fists were battered at 3 in the morning.

"Fine, whatever"

     The corners of my lips lifted up as I brushed past the guard and into my father's house, the keys jingled through the locks as they clicked open, I scoffed, the bastard hadn't even bothered to change the locks.

     The first place I thought to check was my father's study, when I still lived here that place was his sanctuary. He would stay up till late doing work and whatnot catching the sleep he missed during the day, and considering the time I figured he would still be up, in his study.

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