A Misunderstanding

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I DO NOT own Dark Souls or Percy Jackson. Enjoy the story.

I looked at the words for sometime before they disappeared from my sight. 'So this was not a field but a camp?' I thought. I looked back at the Fire Keeper who was confused on where we were, and I told her to stay put as I explored this place. She nodded before grabbing my arm and telling me to be safe. I nodded before slowly getting up from the bonfire and walking deeper into this "camp". As I looked around I noticed something weird. There were little cabins here but each one had its own style and look. My hand rested on the Greatsword as I moved to the middle of the camp. As I looked around more I saw a climbing wall that had lava in it for some reason. I held my weapon tighter and finally reached what looked like a bonfire in the middle of some seats. 

"Hey what are you doing here!?" A voice shouted from behind me. I swiftly turned around and saw a girl holding her spear at me. She glared at me and I was slightly taken aback by her behavior. "Well punk can you speak?" She growled at me. I just slightly tilted my head at her. I knew I could speak. I hadn't used my voice for a very long time so by now it most have been broken and crackly. Her face grew red with rage as I stared at her calmly. She eventually lost patience and charged at me, the tip of her spear charging with lightning. I drew out my Greatsword before putting it back in the switching it with the Sellsword Twinblades. I needed to be fast for this fight. 

She quickly came upon me and started to thrust her weapon at me. I evaded the weapon by rolling the right and quickly followed up with a swing at her legs. She jumped over the weapon, which were still put together, and tried to sweep me off balance. I just moved outside the spear's range and as she was recovering I went in the swung my sword diagonally at her. She tried to move out the way but the sword nicked her and made a sizable cut on her left shoulder. She cried out in pain and I used this time to attack her again. But as I was about to strike her, some lightning came out from nowhere and struck me from behind. I quickly rolled as another bolt was shot at me. 

I looked around and saw a girl wearing what looked to be silver clothing. I swiftly dodged another lightning bolt before getting out my talisman. I used my great lightning bolt attack and threw it at the kid. She just smirked at me as it hit her before her eyes widened and she screamed out in pain. She fell to the ground her clothes and skin charred and smoking. Our commotion was heard by people and they all came rushing into the center of camp. She coughed as she tried to get up before falling down again. Gasps where heard around the crowd as they gathered around us.

I rushed to her side feeling slightly bad about using such a high level miracle on a small child. I got out my Estus Flask and gave her some of it. Her wounds and burned skin started to heal as the Estus took effect. I let out a sigh of relief before an arrow hit me. I stared at the lady who had shot it. She had sliver eyes, auburn hair and was also wearing sliver clothes. She shot another arrow at me and I rolled to avoid it again. She quickly got out her hunting knives and rushed me. I needed to end this quickly or I would be fighting and hurting many more innocent people. As she came towards me she slashed with her knives I quickly parried the attack and kicked her away.

"Thi..s is all a mis..un...der...standi..ng." I wheezed out using my voice for the first time in years. The lady got out of her fighting stance and looked at me with burning silver eyes. 

"WHAT do you MEAN misunderstanding?" she hissed at me "All I see is a disgusting, filthy, stupid male attacking my hunters and nothing more." 

"I did.. not.. mean to hurt her." I rasped out "I did.. not real..ize how weak... she was." The lady's eyes began to burn with rage at what I had just said.

"Are you calling my hunters weak?" She said in a quiet but threatening voice. I nodded in reply and was immediately struck back into some seats surrounding the bonfire. I groaned as I got out of the mess of seats I was in. I immediately collapsed to my knees, feeling out of breath, before struggling to get up. As soon as I got up I was struck again, this time into the air, and then was hit directly into the ground. As I lied there in my crater I contemplated my life choices and wondered when all of this fighting was going to end. As I tried to get up again, I was struck down, again and again I tried to stand but would always be sent down to the ground. I let out a sigh, 'So this is how to was going to be?' I questioned myself.  I went into my inventory and got out some green blossom and ate it. Immediately I gained some stamina back and I swiftly stood up again.

A Bonfire Unlit Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin