A "Harmless" Prank

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I DO NOT own Dark Souls, Bloodborne, or Percy Jackson. Dark Souls and Bloodborne is owned by FromSoftware and Percy Jackson is owned by Rick Riordan.

I could feel my body getting transported to Olympus. It felt like my body was being ripped apart and then being formed back. I reached my destination, stumbled, and fell flat on my face as my feet touched the ground. I groaned as I tried to get on my feet only to get kicked in the face as I was halfway up. The left side of my face was stinging and my eye was aching like hell. Whoever kicked me managed to get me good. I tried to get to my feet again and managed to get up without anyone kicking me down this time. I looked to where the kick came from and I saw Artemis laughing her butt off at me. I stared at her not amused before realizing that I wasn't in Olympus.

I was in another forest except for this time it wasn't snowing. The sun was out and there was a nice breeze going through the air. I could hear the rustle of leaves as the breeze went through the air. I could hear the chirps of the animals, the light steps of people as they walked through the forest. Wait people in the forest? I thought no one would be in the middle of nowhere. I looked around and saw that Artemis had disappeared from view.

I brought out my Dragon Crest Shield with the Uchigatana. It doesn't seem like a good combo but it had saved me in the past. I looked around and strained my ears to pick up the slightest hint of enemies. After staying still and not hearing anything I relaxed and looked around once more. Just like the Forest in Anchorage, I could see nothing but trees upon trees in the distance. I was not in Olympus it seems like, Artemis must have found it funny for me to be teleported to a random place with no way out. I grumbled under my breath about how stupid she was before walking west towards the setting sun.

As I walked through the forest I swear I could see flashes of silver through the trees as well as hear giggles. I narrowed my eyes before moving more cautiously through the trees. I looked at the ground and noticed traps. My lips slightly turned upwards as I saw them. So this was Artemis' plan? To teleport me here and embarrass me by placing traps around and hoping I would run into them. I let out a small chuckle before walking around the different traps. Most of them were pitfalls, some had bear traps hidden in leaves, and even a spike fall where if you triggered the trap a set of metal spikes would fall on you. I raised my brow at that one.

As I continued further into the forest I saw something that made me sigh in relief. A bonfire was up ahead and I was so grateful that it was here but was also confused on why it was here in the first place. I shrugged it off and moved to the bonfire. And because my attention was solely on the bonfire I didn't notice that I had run into a trap until it was too late. I could hear a swooshing sound and I looked at it before realizing that it was a log swinging at me. My eyes widened and I got smashed right in the face, flying a few meters back before hitting a tree. I held in a groan and tried not to get too angry. Now the right side of my face hurt. It was aching and I clutched it trying to stop the pain. As I did I could hear laughs through the forest. Artemis and some sons of bit-female dogs had rigged this trap for me.

It was just a harmless prank by Artemis, there was nothing more to it, I told myself, calming down. I let out a deep breath to calm myself down before drinking my Estus to repair the damage done to my face. I let out a growl before getting up and going back to the bonfire this time making sure to dodge the traps. I finally reached it and I put my hand over the coiled sword. The flame burst into life illuminating the forest around me. I sighed in relief as I put my hand over the flame and muttered a few words before stopping myself.

A Bonfire Unlit Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora