Chapter Two

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When she reached her home in the lower class area of the city, Freya removed her prize and her gloves from her pocket, being careful of fingerprints. She dumped the silver and ruby necklace into her hand, and held it up to the light. Yes, this was the one; the necklace that was to be added to the local museum later this month. The only thing that would be placed behind glass now was made of glass itself. Freya relished her victory. Wouldn't Corvus be happy. She walked down the street to Corvus' mansion, where the members of his agency—the Kingdom—would hold meetings and train.

All of them had gathered in the meeting room of his mansion, waiting for him to tell them what their next mission would be, along with revealing her prize to everyone. The four of them sat in a semi-circle in front of his desk, where he would soon appear. Freya sat on the left end, followed by Naja, Inia, and Vulpes. Naja was a sweet looking woman, who was much more deadly than one would first guess. She could get anyone to let down their defenses, and was excellent when it came to breaking in silently. She had a true passion for weapons and violence, and an explosive temper that had led to numerous charges of physical assault. She had flaming red hair, pale skin and green eyes.

Inia was a sweeter soul, who had less of the hidden persona that many of them held. She was kind and often used in situations where a job required patience and intelligence. Not that the rest of them weren't smart, but she was above the average. Unlike the rest of them, she hadn't joined the group to escape her reality, but rather because she wanted to do something that would give her a challenge. She had light brown hair with pastel pink streaks, mocha skin, and brown eyes.

Vulpes was sly and cunning who's intelligence rivaled only Inia. She was a master of disguises and sneaking around undetected, much like Freya herself. She was one of the newest members, and was known to jump from agency to agency in search of the best deal. She was even rumored to have been an assassin for hire for a couple of years, though she played off the allegations with ease. She had sharp features that stood out starkly against her very pale skin. Eyes of green could practically be seen in the dark and black hair allowed her to blend into the cover of darkness quite easily. She always wore bold makeup and crimson lipstick which only augmented her features.

Freya sat in her chair, waiting for Corvus to enter the room. She couldn't wait to watch him show the crew what she had brought him. The crew would be so impressed. Finally, she would leave her mark on the crew, not just in her work. The door opened, and Corvus walked in. Corvus, who was her boss and dear family friend, got to keep the prizes that she and her teammates stole, but would pay them a very pretty penny in return. He had calculating brown eyes and dark brown hair that was almost feather-like, which was what gave him his alias, and a trimmed beard. Unlike the rest of Freya's comrades, who stuck to flexible and breathable fabric for their uniforms, Corvus always wore a three-piece black suit.

"Crew," he began. He had a voice with booming capabilities, yet today he spoke relatively softly. "As you might already know, our dear Lupine has just brought us a new prize from the Ambermore mansion. Care to explain?"

Freya got up from her seat and walked forward to stand beside Corvus. She examined the looks on Naja, Inia, and Vulpes' faces, waiting for the chance when she could catch the off-guard. Finally they would see her potential as more than a diversion.

"This necklace," she pulled her prize out of her pocket. "Is the famed Duchess's Ruby necklace from the Ambermore mansion, stolen by yours truly. This necklace is rumored to be worth twelve million dollars and once belonged to the Duchess of Spain. Thank you."

She sat back down and waited for Corvus to reveal the rest of the plan for the necklace and for her next mission. Maybe she would be breaking into the museum next, or exposing SeaWorld; the possibilities were endless. Instead, Corvus didn't speak more on the subject.

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