"Let's go" This time he was talking to me, pushing the metal door open.

The cold breeze from the dark night hit me and made me shiver even worse. It also made me realize something I had forgotten about during all the chaos. Or rather someone.

"Sana." I mumbled, stopping in my tracks. 

"Right, your friend. Don't worry, Felix took her home. They seemed to get along pretty well." He claimed, giving me a reassuring smile. He was pretty convincing and started to pull me with him again. 

Felix had to be the 'Lix person he had talked to when we first met. And also the cute bartender with the irresistible freckles that I had encouraged Sana to get involved with. 

These stray boys were everywhere.

We stopped in front of a black sports car and he opened the passenger door for me, expecting for me to get in. When I did, he pulled off his jacket and placed it over my bare legs that were covered in goosebumps.  

"I told you I was a gentleman." Chan declared, giving me a sincere smile that showed off his dimples before taking the drivers seat next to me. I remained silent and he started the engine and drove out of the parking lot.

The car ride went over quietly for the most part, the only noise coming from the muffled radio and the wind passing by his half rolled down window. At a red light he turned to look at me.

"I know this has to be very scary for you and your mind is probably about to explode with questions." He said and tried to give me a compassionate look. 

"How about we make a deal?"

I only stared at him, signaling him with my eyes to go on and propose his idea.

"To make one thing clear first, there's a rule. You'll do as I say." He watched me, trying to catch my reaction but I only swallowed. 

"Don't get any ideas, it's just safer for you that way."

I gave him a small nod as the light turned green and the corner of his moth rose up. He ignored the green light and still looked at me. 

"Here's the deal. I won't hurt you in any way and make sure that nobody else does as long as you're under my watch and do as I say." That didn't sound too bad. 

If this psychopath protected me from other psychopaths I may not die today, I thought. 

"In return, I'll answer your questions as truthfully as I can. Don't hesitate to ask me anything, I won't snap at you or anything." 

Somebody in the car behind us started to honk, making me jump, but it didn't even faze him. He leaned a little closer to me and whispered.

"What do you think? Deal?" 

"Why?" I demanded to know. A grin plastered on his face when he finally drove past the light that was already changing colors once again. 

"I'll take that as a yes. You're gonna be a little more specific with your questions tho." He stated, speeding up the car.

"Why- why do you want to make a deal with me and answer my questions?" Judging by his facial expression he seemed to be happy with my question.

"You know, I just figured it would be better to earn your trust while I'm kidnapping you." I gasped in shock, not expecting the answer. "And it's easier for me if you follow my orders, so something like what happened downstairs in the club won't happen again."

When he reminded me of that, I could literally feel Minho's gun pressed against my temple again, making me touch the area unconsciously. I thought back to his tattooed wrist and my eyes stared at the same black letters decorating my kidnappers neck. 

"Are you going to kill me?" I whispered barely audible, but Chan had heard me and had an amused expression on his face.

"If that was my intention, don't you think I could have done it on one of the times when I visited you in your apartment or maybe when you were surrounded by my armed men in my club?" He had a point. "Although I was a little tempted to when you almost hit my head with that plate on the first night." He admitted jokingly, making me relax a little.

I didn't trust him and I didn't want to fall into his traps, but when he spoke with such sincerity in his voice it was hard to not believe every lie falling from his lips.

"Where are you taking me?" I continued. He took one hand off the wheel and scratched the back of his head with it. 

"That's-" He stopped himself and started the sentence again. "You overheard what Changbin said, right?" He supposed.

"Your brother?" I followed up and he laughed, showing off his dimples. 

"Well, they are all my brothers, but none of them biologically." He clarified. "He suggested I shouldn't let you go home again after seeing what you've seen. So therefore I'm taking you to our home until I get a better idea of what to do." 

I didn't say anything in return, because what the hell do you say to that? Discussing it was useless and I knew better than to argue with him.

"Are you the boss of ... of Stray Kids?" I said, emphasizing the gang name carefully. 

"Kinda, I guess, haha." He answered. "I'm the leader, yes. So I distribute the tasks and plan everything we do."

Ok, Y/N now that you know he is the fucking boss you really need to stay on his good side.

Just to be safe.

"Have you ever killed someone?" I asked boldly and wanted to take back what I said right after the words left my mouth.

The disappointed look on his face told me the answer to my question and to shut up all at once.

You vs. My Whole Life | Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now