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T/W: Rape, and abuse.



"We're done!" I heard someone yell.

I was upstairs hiding away from James and was walking to see what all the commotion was until jumping aside.

A girl with long black hair cascaded down her back wore a dark blue shirt with a circle to reveal her cleavage and white jean shorts and blue vans.

Tears were streaming down her cheeks causing her mascara to run.

Poor thing.

She stood in a balcony her back hunched and then she started to cry.

My lips made a line wondering what to do.

Whether to comfort her...

Or go back to James...

I went toward the girl and asked, " Are you okay?"

She turned around quickly causing me to back up, said, " N-No..."

I asked, " What's happened? Do you want to talk about it?"

She shook her head said, " My boyfriend- well- now my ex, broke up with me earlier. I don't know what to feel. Relief or heartbreak..."

I said, " I'm sorry that happened."

She sighed wiped her face with a wet tissue said, " Its alright. I'll get over it. What's your name? "

I said, " I'm Mariah. You are?"

She sniffled said, " I'm Eliza. Eliza Schyler. Wait- are you the new girl?"

I nodded she said, " Oh wow! Damn- I wish I never met you like this... Sorry! That came out bad! I just- wish you met me when I'm not looking like a mess..."

I shrugged said, " Its okay,"

She asked, " What are you doing up here?"

Don't say hiding away from James...

I said, " Just wanted to get away from all the noise..."

She leaned against the balcony rim said, " Ahh. Not a party person, huh?"

I said, " Nope. Are you?"

Sshe shrugged turned facing the bar staring at the sky said, " Not really. I don't like being in the spotlight, my sisters do, but me? Not really. I enjoy being alone. So to answer your question, no, not really. "

I said, " I see..."

She stood up straighter stared at me said, " I should totally give you a tour of the school tomorrow! And you can meet all my friends! "

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