Chapter 13

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To our direct superior, Colonel Bataar Beifong Jr., and whomever this letter may concern,

It is with the deepest regret that we now write this letter to inform you of our resignation.

The United Special Operations Force has been a welcoming home for both of us, yet now it is time for the children to move out. While we acknowledge the potential opportunities that may yet await at USOF, those opportunities are not for us. Both of us have been struggling with a personal crisis of sorts, and believe it is best to resolve such a crisis individually, rather than being bound to a specific organization, no matter if it is a government organization or a civilian company.

Both of us still recognize the importance the operations force had in the United Republic, and will forever be fond of the numerous years we have spent at various compounds. It has been a life-changing experience, but our lives are headed elsewhere, and that place is not USOF.

The pair of us wish the force continued luck in their ongoing operations. We will move out of the compound in two hours after this message is delivered.

Yours sincerely,

Capt. Korra & Asami Sato

"You resigned?" Kuvira all but screamed after reading their resignation letter. Korra nodded solemnly. "It's been hard for me here. I know you're a great friend, but I was taken against my will when I was 4, Kuvira! I had no idea what I wanted and the White Lotus just sort of forced it on me. I just want a life that isn't the one charted out for me."

Kuvira sighed. "I know I can't fix your personal crisis, Korra. But I don't like the idea of you going away either. I care about you as your friend, can't you see that?"

Korra smiled at Kuvira's honest confession. They were both poker-faced and professional when it came to feelings, but Korra always saw the more vulnerable and softer side of Kuvira the lieutenant had tried so hard to hide. "I worry about you too. Every time either of us goes on a mission I know full well it could be our last. But we're friends. We'll get through this."

Kuvira sighed heavily. "There's no stopping you, is there?" When Korra shook her head, Kuvira continued, "Then please, be careful, Korra. But at least you don't need to attend these meetings anymore." Both girls smirked. With one quick hug, Korra left, feeling she was leaving a small part of herself behind.


"So what now?" Asami asked once the pair had met up. "We find some answers," Korra said, determined to make her resignation worth the while.

"Yes, but I meant right now, immediately. There's a small Sato mansion in Ba Sing Se. We could stay there for a while to figure things out." Asami said. Korra nodded. "We could first leave our stuff there, and then I have a plan. I'm going to figure out exactly who I am. And what the avatar is, for that matter."

"How are you going to do that? There shouldn't be a lot of records on the avatar since we don't even know what that is." Asami asked.

"I have an old acquaintance here in Ba Sing Se. I'm going to pay him a visit tomorrow. I'm sure he'll be able to give us some answers." Korra explained while getting into the passenger side of a satomobile. "But let's get to your place first, I need a big meal if I'm going to be investigating anything."

"So are you going to tell me who your acquaintance is?" Asami asked once they were on the road.

"Grand Lotus Loren now leads the White Lotus, the order that recruits young children into Raava Academy. But I was recruited by former Grand Lotus Zaheer. I was only told later when I was much older, that children usually get recruited two years older when they're six, or even eight. And even when they are, the Grand Lotus doesn't come and get them. I was really special, they told me. Of course, that was yet another reason for the White Lotus to favor me and for the other kids to hate me. I never really fit in with my young age and good skills." Korra scoffed at the memory of those kids. "It was a good thing I was a great fighter, too!" Korra added, prompting Asami to laugh. "I never would've made it out of there if I wasn't," Korra mumbled under her breath, loud enough for Asami to hear. But to her relief, the woman didn't probe.

"So you really think Zaheer would know what's going on? How can you be sure he's not one of them?" Asami asked tentatively. She knew the White Lotus and all its associations was a tough topic for Korra. "Zaheer is an anarchist. He wants people to be free, not dead. He never really believed in USOF or the Republic City Government. President Raiko always said that he was a pain. But Zaheer was a great man in his years, and he continued looking for young talents hoping one of us would make a difference. He'd never do something that involves killing civilians. Besides, he retired before I graduated and spends his time meditating in a secluded spot on a mountain. There's no way he could've gotten involved."

Asami nodded in understanding. "I trust your judgment," she said, "but some rest first. Spirits know how desperately much we both need this."

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