Author's Note: AU Explanation

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So here's a thorough explanation of this alternate universe, which can be pretty confusing judging from the first two chapters. I've tried to mesh the background within the first two chapters, but it could get a bit overwhelming. Hopefully, this will clarify things. Let me know if there's any confusion!

The United Republic: a world that Aang united, capitol Republic City. A world similar to our own (no bending but has spirits) but further ahead in time in terms of technology.

Raava Academy: run by the White Lotus. Scouts for talented children between the ages of 6-8 and trains them to become elite fighters. Usually known as the Academy. Most recruits get kicked out, and only the best of those talented kids are able to graduate.

USOF: United Special Operations Force, basically the real military of the United Republic. Has compounds (bases) around the world. Graduates of Raava Academy go on to serve in USOF.

The White Lotus: the organization that is in charge of the recruiting and training at Raava Academy, led by the Grand Lotus.

The Saviors: the underground organization Korra and her team are ordered to snuff out. Details to come in the next few chapters.

And then, as you guys requested, I'm going to explain the ranks here. I'm not a big expert on the military, so I pretty much copied off the US army website (if you want more detail check out

I'm listing the ranks that'll appear in this fic from low to high: private → corporal → sergeant → lieutenant → captain → colonel → general

I'll try to have more Korra&Asami interaction in the next few chapters. I have some ideas, but let's just wait and see ;). Also, comments guys!! Please! Really appreciate them, both the mean and the good.

Finally, a huge thank you to everyone who has endured me up to now. Really really appreciate you guys taking the time to read through my work.

Until Chapter 3 comes out,


Not Your HeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora