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[Part 1: Just A Mission]

Half a century before she was born, the world was in turmoil. Plagued by civil wars, political tension, and religious disputes, even the most powerful nations had no idea what to do. They can't solve everything at once, yet everything's tangled together. A young teenager named Aang was the unexpected savior: he led world governments into forming a unified group without the concepts of nations any more, thus helping solve the world's growing problems. Two years later, there is only The United Republic, no more countries. Aang disappeared after that.

The world is now prosperous. Despite the occasional metropolis mishaps, people are able to live in peace. No more battles, no more conflicts. Or so they think.

Fifty years later, an infant is born. Nothing out of the ordinary--after all, babies are born every day. Who will notice baby Korra, when there are thousands of other babies?

Turns out that someone did. Not just someone, a lot of people: people who normally don't go around taking an interest to babies, people normal citizens don't associate with. Only she, Korra, in her ignorance, had no idea.

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