Rhaveir looked down at Herain who was already sleeping peacefully in his arms and a gentle smile appeared on his face

The next day, Herain was woken up as she felt someone nibbling her ear and then biting at her collarbone

Herain slowly opened her eyes and what came to her sight was Rhaveir's head who was nibbling around her neck

"What time is it?, I'm still sleepy" Herain drowsily uttered

"Let's go for a morning exercise together" Rhaveir stated as he gave Herain a kiss on the forehead

Herain looked at the clock on the table beside the bed and immediately grumbled

"No, sleep is more important to me than exercising" Herain declined as she pulled the blanket and covered her face

‘It's still four in the morning, that's too early’ Herain thought as she closed her eyes once again

"Didn't I told Vivian to let you know that when I return, you will have morning exercises with me to keep your body healthy?" Rhaveir uttered

"I guess I'll have to punish that woman since she was not able to make you agree" Rhaveir casually stated

Herain immediately got up from the bed as she complained "Jeez, you're so unfair"

Rhaveir chuckled then said "Let me change your nightdress"

Herain immediately grabbed the outfit Rhaveir was holding as she said "I'll change it myself"

"But I want to change it myself" Rhaveir uttered

"I'll let you, after we get married" Herain uttered looking flustered as she ran to the bathroom

"Adorable" Rhaveir mumbled as he watch Herain running away

After Herain was done changing, they head to the gym room together

Herain looked around in awe as she uttered "It's my first time in this room, your gym room is huge"

"But then again, every room in White Wisteria are all huge and wide in size" she added

"Vivian told me that you haven't seen everything in here" Rhaveir uttered

"Well yeah but I plan on exploring every part of White Wisteria, would that be okay?" Herain asked

"You can do whatever you want, this is also your home" Rhaveir casually replied

Herain smiled as she happily said "What else is there in White Wisteria that you like to stay during your free time?"

"I usually go for a swim in the pool whenever I got stress in work" Rhaveir replied

"We had a swimming pool inside White Wisteria?" Herain uttered in surprise

Rhaveir nodded his head in response then said "Well, let's start our exercise with a jog on the treadmill"

"After exercising, let's go for a swim in the pool" Herain happily stated

Then the two of them did various exercises together

Herain lasted only for 30 minutes then just watched Rhaveir exercising for the rest of the time

Rhaveir worked out for one hour then stopped as he bring Herain to the pool

"Amazing! this room is even larger than the gym room, well I guess it's plausible since there's a big swimming pool in here" Herain uttered in awe

"You always act surprised whenever I show you to a place you've never been in this house" Rhaveir stated