Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The end of a new beginning

In a fierce battle with the demon progenitor that started it all. The hunter forces are decreasing in number. On the front line, are the ones known as the hashiras fought the demon head on.

"Why are you so persistent?! Just die already?!" The demon said

"Like hell we would!"

In the fierce battle, the hashiras seems to be using some sort of technique to hide their present whilst attacking their prey. From afar, a fellow demon slayer is peeking from the side of the building, admiring the speed and intensity of the battle.

"Wow, look at them. I can just barely see their movement."

"Lets hope we will win this fight."

Boom! A sudden shockwaves surges the area and nearly knocked them off their feet. To their surprise, everyone who was fighting just vanished. They looked to the building right next to them and see a guy with a giant spike chain ball and axe buried inside the wall.

The truth is, the shockwaves had sent them flying into the building. Some had lost their limbs and some had no strength left in them. And then, there was a girl with a purple butterfly hairpin sitting in front of the demon.

"Come on. Get up! Move! He's right there!" She thought

The man stayed silent as he approached her. She was frozen stiff and someone yelled at for him to stop. The man was already raised his hand to kill this weak girl in front of him, until......

"Hinokami Kagura! Beneficent radiance!"

The air turns red and yellow and the man's arm was cut off. A knight in shining armour had came to rescue the girl from her imminent doom. She was carried to a support hunter code named as a kakushi.

"Please, take care of her."

"Tanjiro. Tanjiro." The girl muttered

"I'm sorry i'm late. Take care of her." He said

"H-hai!" The kakushi looked at him with shocked

The boy stands up to meet his foe. The demonic man looked at him in disgust as the boy face had a tumour grown covering half his face.

"You look, positively awful, Tanjiro Kamado. This way, its hard to tell which one of us is the real monster." The man said in disdain

"Lets end this, Muzan!" Tanjiro said in anger

The young boy and the hundreds year old man begins to fight violently. Each exchanging attacks and counter attacks. But it doesn't take long for the fallen one to recover and rejoin this fierce battle. One by one, each fought to stall for time until dawn arrives.

"One minute left until dawn!"

"Sunflower Lance!" Tanjiro yelled

"This child, he never give up." Muzan thought

"Its dawn! Keep holding him here!"

As the sun is peeking on the horizon, Muzan unleashed a screaming shockwaves attack to push them back. Tanjiro did not lose grip even though he lost one of his arm. He fought to keep the man in place to burn him to death.

Muzan had no choice left. He grown a flesh armour around his body swallowing up Tanjiro as well. As he was fighting them, inside, he was staring at the boy.

"Maybe he was right. A thought is indestructible as it is. Maybe this child, can survive."

Muzan sticks some needles into the boy neck and inject him with some of his blood.

"If you survive, Kamado Tanjiro. You will become invincible. You will carry out my thoughts and will. Destroy the demon slayer in my stead."

Just before his flesh armour had burned all the way, he throws the boy lifeless body into the rapidly flowing river.

"This is not the end! A new demon will come! Sooner or later, you will be destroyed!" He yelled out

Not long after, the man is no more than dust floating through the air. The hunter celebrate their victory but some immediately went to search for the missing boy. They dived into the deep river but his body was never found. They mourn over the losses they had and especially to those who had a deep connection with Tanjiro.

Zenitsu: "Tanjiro! Where is Tanjiro?!"

Kakushi: "We can't find his body. He's probably gone now."

Inosuke: "Liars! He's still alive!"

Kanao: "Tanjiro. No...... please not him...."

Giyuu: "Tanjiro, he was..... one of the bravest and courageous hunter. He is also.... one of the most kindest person....." He cried

Then, a small figure of a girl wearing a pink kimono running towards them.

Nezuko: "Onii chan!!!"

Zenitsu: "Nezuko chan? Tanjiro, he didn't....."

Nezuko: "No! Where is he! He can't be dead! He's in there!"

Giyuu: "Calm down Nezuko. He's gone now."

Nezuko: "Noo..... It can't be true!"

Kanao: "Tanjiro......"

Everybody sat down feeling defeated for the lost of their most precious friend and brother. No bodies were found, not even a shred of clothes. But underneath the river bed, something was moving, struggling and were moving very fast with the rapid river current. What was it? Nobody knows.


Alright, chapter 1 is done. Forgive me if there's some grammatical errors. I just love writing and i'm still improving on my writing skills. Still, hope you enjoyed this first chapter. See you next time.

Author san out.

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