Chapter 14 - Trespass

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"Brandon!?" Ezekiel said bending close, but Brandon didn't answer. The smell of tears tickled Ezekiels senses. "Brandon please talk to me!?" He asked again, but all he got were short erratic gasps.

I've gotta take him back to the infirmary. He needs to rest.

Ezekiel thought anxiously denouncing himself for a fool. Why had he moved someone in Brandon state so soon after his earlier sickness?

His body obviously wasn't done healing itself...

But No sooner then he'd shifted his body to turn back to the building Ezekiel realized that he and Brandon weren't alone anymore. In fact they were utterly surrounded.

Years as Guardian of his lands lent him the only warning. There was a scent in the air that he hadn't smelt in many years. He also felt it in the cry of the birds and the waxing of violent energy that was trying to descend all around him. Something was definitely coming.

Ezekiel didn't want to alert the intruders to his location, so he fought his first natural instinct which was too look around and pour his own Shift energy and his warning and his scent out into the world.

But if the intruders were Ghouls that would only make them go into a frenzy and though Ezekiel would normally have wanted to lure the beasts out, he definitely didn't want that now.

Not while he was unarmed and guarding Brandon. His first priority was Brandon's safety. To that end he had to figure out who and what the intruders were. It didn't take long. The way that the violence layered across the air told him that whoever they were that they would make themselves known to him at any moment. They were bee lining strait for him or were they coming for something else?

Ezekiel tucked Brandon closer to his chest, engulfing him. Hoping that his solidity would help to quiet his shaking.

 "Its okay." he whispered into Brandon's hair all the while acutely aware of the Intruders who were coming their way. Because the intruders wanted him to know they were there. Their scents danced on the air like a big blood red signal.

Asking for his attention....and his anger. The Leopard inside of Ezekiel snarled its answer inside of him.

As the strangers closed in, it only took Ezekiel seconds before he knew exactly what they were. He instantly placed the scent on the air. They were Shifters.

Lion Shifters.

He knew because only Lions carried such a....unique sent about them; A scent tinged with heavy almost aggressive musk and dry parched earth. The lions hailed from a place far to south east of the planet. A land parched and yet lush with life. A land that mortal called was known simply to the other Shifter the Pride Lands.

Suddenly Brandon's shaking ceased and his legs gave way pulling Ezekiels from his thoughts. The leopard in him sensed that Brandon had slipped into unconsciousness and Ezekiel's heart hurt for him. This sickness seemed so deep. So connected to the mysterious power he professed to have inside of him. There was nothing Ezekiel could do, but he wished he could wash away the pain he saw in Brandon's face.

Even as part of Ezekiels was hurt.

Because he didn't believe Brandon's story. Not completely at least.

Something felt forced or prepared about the tales he had spun in that room. It was all too neat, too simple.....the whole thing had unfortunately all sounded like one giant excuse. Not a true glimpse at anything but more lies or half-truths.

Ezekiel felt horrible thinking of Brandon like this, but deep down he just didn't feel right about it. What was Brandon really running from? It can't simply be this healing power that he demonstrated. It didn't make sense to fear something that seemed so.....small to Ezekiels. Then again maybe Ezekiels was being insensitive to the truth. Brandon was mortal.

Brandon shouldn't be able to heal....and healing others.....was in actuality a gift that was damn near unheard of. No man or beast on the plant....or in living history....could boast of having such abilities in their hands. It was extraordinary! was a huge revelation!

And yet why was Brandon so desperate to hide it at all? Why did his ability to heal frighten him so badly that he had to cut people off? That he feared intimacy on so many levels...and had even risked coming under attack from Ghouls just so he could escape the Lock Down?

Ezekiel didn't know but he was getting the feeling that if they just talked some more, if Brandon let his guard down a little more, Ezekiel would soon find out.

A small huff escaped Brandon as he continued to fight the pain and he tried to speak, but his words came out disjointed and slurred. "Ezekiel....Run..." Then he was gone, his breathing shallow and soft.

Still holding Brandon in his arms, somehow needing to hold him Ezekiel let the strength of the earth pour into him from his father's lands.

He felt the mild itch in his eyes and fingers as he partially shifted. His claws grew. Being careful not to lacerate Brandon with the claws that popped free from his fingertips; slowly he lowered Brandon down to the ground.

He couldn't support him any longer and he didn't have time to put him somewhere safe. As he watched Brandon lying there his breathing short and erratic all Ezekiel wanted to do was wrap him up shut out the world. Become Brandon's shield so that he wouldn't have to be so sick or scared or hurt, but he couldn't do that for him.

Not when Brandon refused his every advance and kindness. Not when Brandon shut him out at every turn. All Ezekiel could do now was protect him and honor his promises. No matter the danger....until Brandon figured out that there wasn't anything to be afraid of anymore.

But for now....Ezekiel had to focus on the Shifters....that would openly disrespect his father by waltzing onto their peoples lands

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