Chapter 10 - No More Lies

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Chapter 10

Waking up was unnaturally if Brandon's body was simply tired of rest and demanded he awaken and give it stimulation outside of sleep. Unfortunately Brandon awoke to fairly calm and demure surroundings.

The room was wide, if not terribly long. The spacious cot that Brandon happened to be lying in the middle of gave him an immediate and complete view of the room before him that was only filled with a few coffee tables, rugs, and long counter tops to the far left of the room that held a number of tall jars filled with spices, and tools and cotton balls.

The room had the intense feeling of a hospital or clinic, as the overly sparse surroundings and cool tile floor held a small hint of chemicals.

A pair of doors to the far right seemed to lead into other parts of the unfamiliar building and not a second after his eyes fell on them, then one of the doors to the further left opened and Ezekiel started to step into the room.

He was carrying a basket in his arm and was shoeless, suggesting that he had come from another room in the unfamiliar building. He wore a simple pair of jeans and a loose black shirt that the tips of his hair dusted as he moved into the room with his head down and his eyes trained on something in the basket.

"Ezekiel?" Ezekiel stopped in his tracks and glanced up, with clear surprise etched into his gaze. As if Brandon speaking had been some kind of miracle.

" Umm....Where....Where am I?"

"Hey....your finally awake...." Ezekiel sent him a devastating smile as he softly replied. "We're...umm, in my Infirmary." Ezekiel sighed, setting his basket down and walking further into the room. Without an invitation the Guardian sat down on the edge of the bed and looked Brandon over.

Feeing a small pull to scoot closer to the man Brandon choose instead to focus on his words and not Ezekiels proximity. "What?" he asked

"You're in my infirmary. This is where I handle any sick horses or animals that I come across. You know I'm responsible for the livestock....Anyway thats not important. How are you feeling?

"Like shit." Brandon sighed and not feeling like elaborating on that Brandon dropped his hand from his forehead glanced around the infirmary that Ezekiel owned and felt the ridiculous urge to laugh. Was there anything that the Leopards didn't know how to do?

"So you're a Guardian, a Prince....and an animal doctor all rolled into one....Damn." Brandon sighed. Then realizing that he was going off on an unimportant tangent Brandon cleared his throat and looked at Ezekiel. "Why are we here?"

Rather than answer Ezekiel pulled back and gave him a long look before he asked him a question of his own. "Who is Jacob?"

That name hit like a punch to the gut....Brandon hid his instant need to blanch and instead gave Ezekiel a sharp glare. "What? Why? How do you know that name?"

Ezekiel blinked at the suspicion in his tone, but calmly relied "You said it while you were dreaming...You screamed it..."

Felling even more uncomfortable Brandon didn't respond. Ezekiel ignored his silence and hit him with another terrible question.

"What about...someone named Kail? You also said that name while you were sleeping too Brandon. Wanna tell me who that is?"

Brandon sighed. "I told you the first time we meet that I have night terrors Ezekiel. Sometimes I blurt out very random not a big deal." It was easy to see that Ezekiel dint buy his excuse so rather then waste time trying to convince the man Brandon thought to sit up and stretch.

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