Phase 6: Getting a Power to Pass The Infection On

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She agreed hesitantly, locking her struggling sister, who now looked like Dhar Mann in the bath room.

"She's going to his Phase 6 soon, she's going ot gain the ability to pass the infection on, you need ot go quick... Save your sister and please...

Save humanity"

Laiba then embarked on her journey to save humanity, I decided to go sit down until I felt a buzz on my phone, Dhar Mann texted me back.

Laiba then embarked on her journey to save humanity, I decided to go sit down until I felt a buzz on my phone, Dhar Mann texted me back

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He was in my room. This was bad, very bad. I rushed home hoping he didn't do anything. Laiba had texted me that she was almost there but he wasn't even home... He was in my house. "Hello again, Sehrish" He said maliciously.

I couldn't help but be terrified... What if he made my blanket smell like oily ketchup forever?

"I see a big red button in his house" Laiba texted me

"Okay you go press it, NOW. I'll distract him. I hope he doesn't kill me, wish me luck."

Laiba pressed the button and then I heard a scream, it was Dhar Mann. he was gone.

I got another text "Dhar Mann is here. I'm hiding under his desk"

"Don't worry, your sister is back to normal so he shouldn't have any power. He can't hurt you. Maybe even stab him for fun" I said, a hint of relief in my voice

Laiba then stabbed him and ran home to see me.

"How did he even get so powerful in the first place?" She asked me.

"It started when some scientists let him have a tour in his lab. There were animals there to be tested on, he waited for the right moment and then started testing freely while the scientists weren't looking. When he found out he oculd clone himself, the scientists where his first subjects then it started happening to anyone that watched 5 or more of his videos. The pain these subjects feel while watching Dhar Mann didn't look like much at first but on the inside it was crippling, Dhar mann's voice in their heads were telling them to do horrible things like eating anyone who commited even the tiniest of sins. But hey, atleast oyur sister can watch Dhar Mann freely now!"

And that is how we saved the world from the Dhar Mann apocolyse.

The end

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