A Little Clumsy

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Summary - It's the first day of work at the BAU for the reader but when their clumsiness gets the better of them, Spencer Reid is there to save the day.

Trigger Warnings - blood (like the whole thing is about blood so if blood is a trigger for you, seriously do not read this one), minor injury, strong language, embarrassment

Word Count - 1386


Sometimes you were clumsy. Okay, perhaps that was a bit of an understatement. You were more often than not clumsy. So when you began your first day at the BAU walking right into a wall and collapsing onto your ass, thus spilling coffee all over yourself, you weren't surprised, to say the least. Frustrated, yes, but surprised, no.

However, that sentiment wasn't exactly shared by everyone, it appeared. In your dizzy haze, you felt a thud as someone knelt down next to you.

"Is that blood?" the stranger asked.

You touched your nose with your fingers, red decorating your fingertips. Whoever was talking to you was right, there was blood. Your white shirt, now a light shade of brown-ish beige, was sticky against your chest. Blood and coffee all over your new clothes on your first day of work? How could it go any better?

To be honest, you weren't really concerned about the blood right now. This whole scenario had happened enough times that this was essentially a regular occurrence for you. Instead, you were more concerned about the fact that this was the impression you were going to be making on all your colleagues. What were you supposed to do, just walk into the meeting room absolutely drenched in the last bit of your latte and blood and just act normal and introduce yourself? Yeah, because nothing screamed "qualified special agent" like a klutz banging their head into a literal wall. Surely whoever hired you was regretting their decision now. If you were them, you would.

You had to save your pride somehow. The least you could do would be to find a bathroom and try to clean yourself up as much as possible before meeting your coworkers.

But first, you had to deal with whoever had watched you slam your head into the wall.

"Yes, but that doesn't matter right now, what does matter is-" you said, sighing.

"You are literally bleeding," he stated again.

You pushed your arms back, propping you up and allowing you the opportunity to take a good look at him.

Even in your dazed state, you could tell that he was attractive. He was tall, first of all. He towered over you, his brown curls fell over his face as stared at you, clearly concerned. And his eyes. Jesus, his eyes. You could melt into them.

No. No, stop it. You thought to yourself. This was not the time to be crushing on whoever the hell literally watched you walk into a wall. There were more important things at hand unfortunately.

"Well thank you, Captain Obvious," you said bitingly. The pain was beginning to hit you a bit more. You hadn't thought you'd broken your nose...but the steady swelling was beginning to change your mind.

"It's Doctor, actually," he responded with complete seriousness as he stared even more intently at your nose.


His eyes flickered from your nose, meeting your gaze.

"It's Doctor. Doctor Spencer Reid."

Shit. You knew that name. Dr. Reid. One of your new coworkers, of course. As if this day couldn't get any worse.

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