The Night of a Lifetime

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Summary -  Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader where Morgan and Garcia find out that the you and Spencer didn't go to prom back in high school so they decide to throw the first annual BAU prom just for the both of you.

Trigger Warnings - strong language, mentions of alcohol

Word Count - 5764

A/N - Hello lovelies!! This is my first fic I'm uploading to Wattpad, so I would love to hear some feedback if you have any! Please comment away, I adore reading them! <3


It was a slow Friday at the office. For once, it seemed to be that there were no crimes that the BAU needed to help out in. Slow days at the BAU were basically just big excuses for the whole of the team to hang around the bullpen, drink copious amounts of terrible FBI coffee that after all these years they still tolerated and even learned to like, and talk about whatever. It was usually some sort of office gossip, which Garcia happily provided, or family talk.

"Jack is turning twelve next Wednesday. He just makes me feel old these days," Hotch said resignedly. It was hard to believe. You had known Jack since he was barely toddling around in diapers and now he was only a couple years away from being in high school? That was absolutely insane.

"I know what you mean, Hotch. My niece is going to prom this weekend. Prom. Ain't that crazy?" Morgan added, shaking his head.

"No way! Jesse's that old already? Well, that just makes me feel old," Emily said. She sighed and took a long sip of her coffee, forgetting how bad it was and wrinkling her nose afterwards. You felt that.

"Man, I miss prom! Best weekend of my teenage years. Wild stuff, you know?" Morgan sighed, leaning back in his chair with his arms folded behind his head.

"Really? What did you do? I never went to prom," you asked. You'd heard tales of what had happened at prom on the Monday after, but you never actually went, so you were still curious.

"Wait, what? You're telling me you didn't go to prom at all?" Morgan gasped. His eyes flickered between you and the rest of the BAU.

"Yeah, I never went to prom. Why's that such a big deal?" You shrugged. It wasn't that big of a deal...right? Well, now you were feeling self conscious about it. Thanks, Morgan, you thought.

"I never went to prom either, Morgan," Spencer peeped up from his desk. You shot an appreciative nod in Spencer's direction. At least there was someone else who got it. When Spencer noticed your nod, his cheeks seemed to flush slightly and he lowered his head far enough that you couldn't see it.

"That's because you were like twelve when you were in high school, Pretty Boy," Morgan said dismissively. And then he turned his attention back to you. "But this beauty over here - what guy wouldn't want to take her to dance?" He shot you one of his signature Derek Morgan smiles.

You rolled your eyes, but you were smiling too. There was nothing quite like a subtle Derek Morgan compliment to make you feel good. "Tell that to all the guys from my high school, Morgan."

"Well that settles it then. Baby girl, you know what you gotta do." He shot a directed, knowing glance at Penelope. You swore, those two had some sort of secret language that only the two of them knew or something and it was solely spoken through meaningful glances.

"You know it, Sugar," Penelope answered, popping off the chair she had stolen from the meeting room.

"What's going on?" you asked, slightly - no, actually extremely - alarmed. To be fair, you probably should have been used to all of these shenanigans already; after all, you had been working at the BAU for a while now, and shenanigans were the only things all of you actually did besides, you know, your job. But these weirdos never failed to surprise you.

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