Ice Cream for Breakfast

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Summary  - Spencer and the reader have a big fight and the reader ponders on the fight and their relationship with Spencer all day. 

Trigger Warnings - none

Word Count - 753


You and Spencer had a fight.

It wasn't like you guys were the perfect couple that had never fought before. You had, of course, but god, it had never been as bad as this. You two weren't violent people, it wasn't in your blood, but sometimes you can because more pain with words.

You knew when you said it that it was wrong. And you knew that you should never let a fight go unresolved and fester overnight, but that's exactly what you did. You told him to get out and stay out. And he did.

You didn't see him in the morning when you got up, but you could see him everywhere. When you mustered the energy to go to the sink to brush your teeth, his toothbrush was still there. When you sat at the kitchen table with your yogurt, his chair was empty. When you pulled your scrubs out of the closet, the suit he planned out for today was still hanging there. But when you went to grab your keys, his weren't there.

You thought about him all through work. What was he thinking about now? Was he just as distracted as you were? Could he focus on his cases or was he just going through the actions like you were?

There was one little boy you were treating who reminded you of him. The kid was clearly bright; he rattled off multiplication tables as you wrote down his information. His mom had a kid's encyclopedia that the boy called his "favorite book in the entire world" and offered to read his favorite section to you - the one about moths. You learned more about moths that day than you had ever learned before.

It was strange. You both desperately wanted to get home, but you were also so afraid. Your favorite part of the day was always being able to come back home to Spencer but you were definitely dreading it today. When your days were rough, he would hold you tight and you'd both have the extremely nutritious meal of ice cream for dinner. But you hurt him. You didn't deserve his love. He was always so good to you. How could you say that to him? He didn't deserve that. He only deserved the best. Was "the best" even you?

You took the night shift today for the sole purpose of not having to see Spencer. It was so petty, you knew that, but you just couldn't face him. You almost considered taking on the next morning's shift, but you knew deep inside that you couldn't push it off any longer. It was the morning again when you forced yourself to walk back to your apartment while trying to formulate some semblance of a coherent apology without crying.

When you got to your front door, you didn't know if you should knock on the door or not. That would be weird, right? Knocking on your own front door? You didn't have that much hope that Spencer had come back home either. If it were you, you wouldn't. Instead, you just held your breath before opening it.

He was there. Spencer was just sitting on the couch, knees bent up to his chin. As you opened the door, he turned his head and gave you a little acknowledging smile. His eyes were sallow and sunken in as if he hadn't slept all night. In front of him was a plastic supermarket bag with two cartons of ice cream.

"Hey," he said. His voice was small and crackly.

Any remnant of your former coherent apology went straight out the window.

"Spencer, I'm so sorry," you started. You were already beginning to cry.

He stood up and walked to you. Without a word, Spencer enveloped your body with his arms and rested his chin on the top of your head.

"I know," he whispered. "I know."

You didn't even know how much time had passed but eventually you two made it to the couch where Spencer was sitting before. He held you tight and kissed your forehead over and over again.

You reached over for the ice cream, only to find it completely melted. You started to stand up and throw out the two melted containers, but Spencer pulled you back down next to him. He took the containers from you and popped open the tops.

"Ice cream soup for breakfast?" he asked.

You smiled at him and kissed the hand that was holding yours tight. ""I'll get the spoons." 

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