Eating Mike Tyson's what?

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(Y/N): Another live stream! yep.. what am i doing today you ask?.. i dunno

(Y/N): i need ideas. so if you guys have any, lemme know! 

(Y/N): infact lemme show you my steam library !

(Y/N): infact lemme show you my steam library !

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(Y/N):alllll these games, we can play. so any ideas?

Okakoroforever: People Playground?

(Y/N): i'd rather not let you guys see my bloodthirsty side.

(Y/N): hm....... wait i got a superchat hold on.

(Y/N): "eating mike tyson's ass" Thanks for the superchat dude!, "Noita?" hmm i'll think about it.

(Y/N): Anyway... until we find a game lets just chat alright?


This was one a bit filler

buuuuuuuut its also kinda funny

i have a very important question for you guys..

Cats or dogs? 

This will impact a future chapter.

and i think you can guess why..

Hint: Its meantioned in the chapter at some point: whoever can pinpoint were gets a cookie

Terror: EAT MY A$$ YOU SONNVA B****

Holo- what now? Hololive X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now