Its Time

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(Y/N): this is it... the big moment... lets do this!

my "Hololive Debut" was about to start. Subaru's 3D stream was nearing it end... and then the staff member (in my model. altered to cover my face in a pitch black shadow) Charged in. Knocking Subaru into a mattress (but to the viewers she fell on the cold hard ground)

(Y/N): *his voice is playing through a speaker* So.... This is whatcha doing huh?

(Y/N): i guess its kinda cool... But iiiiiiiii~ know how to ruiiiiii~n itt! 

*the live chat is going nuts. some people reconizge the model and start spamming "Damascus!", "Why are you here?" "wait Damascus X Hololive Collab?!" 

(Y/N): ..oh sup guys! i'm kinda busy being mysterious so pretend you don't recognize me!

The people saying "Damascus" and stuff start going "who?" "whats going on" ETC.

(Y/N): T-T-Thaaaa- *lag*

Chat: Damascus curse!

Chat: Fate strikes again!

Chat: Damm you British internet!!

Chat: 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草

....yeah the phone lagged

(Y/N): GOD DAM-M-M IT-T-T-T-T- *my voice turns robotic* Whyyyyyyyy

Chat: Robot Damascus!

(Y/N): Dammmmmmi-----tt-t-t-tt-t-!!

The staff member is just standing around.... 

(Y/N): F-f-f-u- tHi-s-s-ssss-s-s *Lag lag*

*he hangs up the phone*


Subaru: EH?

Chat: 草 草 草 草草

Chat: 草 草

So that wen't horribly..


And theres your non-filler chapter

your welcome!

now Watame has a worthy opponent for her crappy internet

 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 草 


Terror: That went to total Shit huh? 

Holo- what now? Hololive X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now