Path of the VTuber: Started

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"Damascus": Thanks for helping me out with this. *Google translated into Japanese*

as of right now i'm chatting with one of my closest friends... Emotionally wise since she lives in Japan

Subaru: its no problem! still.. are you sure you wanna throw your old Career away? (translated to English) 

i first "met" Subaru when at Cinvod (this was ages ago before she became a Vtuber)  despite not knowing any Japanese i stupidly decided to go. I met Subaru and somehow we became friends.

"Damascus":  i'm sure. "That" was way too much stress. this will help me chill out, you know?. *translated to Japanese*

Subaru: Alright. 

Eventually Subaru guides me through the full setup, and as i go to hang up.

"Damascus": see you later Donald Duck!

Subaru: OMAAAAA- *gets hung up on*

So now here i go, VTuber time.

why the hell are you still here?... you want more?...... Fine..

------------------MEANWHILE, IN JAPAN----------------------------- 


Subaru: He Already hung up didn't he?.. i am not Donald duck! *Angry Shuba*

Subaru: its strange how he wants to just throw everything he's worked for... 

Subaru: i can't help but feel like i'm forgetting something...... 

Subaru: *she paces around a bit... then he freezes when she rememebers* 

Subaru: I HAVE A STREAM!!!!!! *She slams the door open and charges out* 

Subaru: ......*down the hall* WAIT I WAS IN MY RECORDING STUDIO 

*she charges back in*

Subaru: Cmon Cmom Cmon! *she finally gets her stream working* 

Subaru: Hi everyone! sorry this took so long!

There, i am outta ideas for now.

If you guys have any tips to make this less bad that'd be great

See you later maybe possibly i dunno

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