New Story/ies???

2.3K 74 52

Hey! I'm not gone off the face of Wattpad or Archive, I'm still very much here! Also, before I start, OVER 250,000 HITS ON TRAPPED IN A BLOCKY WONDERLAND?! Are you kidding me?! I never imagined when I started writing this story that it would get that many reads!

It just hit 200k on Wattpad I believe July 17, and on AO3 it's currently sitting at 55k. I've never been so happy to post a story than I was about this one. I hoped for a bigger audience than my old work got, but I honestly didn't expect quarter of a million reads on it. THANK YOU! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING!

So, you may have noticed the title of this chapter says New Story/ies. Yeah, I might have made that one-shot book a little after TIABW ended, but that's not what I'm referring to here 😈

I've got three stories planned, instead of the two mentioned at the end of TIABW. And right now, I'm gonna give you the Wattpad description of the two that at least have one chapter written and vote on which one goes up first.



Ad Meliora | Dream X Reader

Living under the rule of a Duke shouldn't be as trying as it seems. Yes, I didn't come to him under...common circumstance, but I lived and grew beside his son. This shouldn't be so hard., with the social season in swing, women all over town are being ferried off to future husbands. Men are flocking to the prettiest little face in a ballgown. Grand parties unlike anything you'll ever see take place every night. Society is one grand celebration, despite the growing unrest in the distance.

But here I am, a young woman myself but with a sword instead of a gown and hand fan. And a Duke, who once was my closest friend in the world now a mere shadow of the boy I once knew. When did our mutual rivers split and go different ways?

Will I see the man I once knew long ago again before the man I know now becomes lost to either his rusting new title or one of the many potential wives in the ton?


Frigid | C!Dream X Reader

"You can't be serious."

"If you ever set foot in the Dream SMP, or any of its surrounding countries, you will be executed."

"Why keep me here? Why not just put me in that massive prison of yours?"

"That prison was never built to keep you of all people. But if you keep trying my patience, I just might make you a cell."

"Just go. You got what you want, I'm far from your precious country. Just leave me here and never come back."

"You know I can't do that."

"That blizzard outside is almost as cold as you are, Dream. You walk in here, and it's like all the warmth just disappears. One day, you'll catch a cold from that ice you've festered in your heart."

"There will come a day when you, too, learn to become heartless to protect yourself."


What did I ever do to deserve being banished from the home I've done nothing but love, to a place nearly as cold as the masked man forcing me to stay here?


And then the third one I mentioned was called The Man Behind The Screen, but I never got around to making a description for that one. Either way, all three are sitting as drafts in Wattpad waiting to be worked on, or in the case of these two mentioned with at least a single chapter.

Yes, both of these stories I gave descriptions for here are technically Dream x Reader, instead of the poly I did for TIABW. Of course, I've also got other stories in mind for other DSMP members, but I also have that one-shot book where y'all can make requests.

Frigid takes place in the Canon DSMP, while Ad Meliora is in a world of it's owns in the beginning of the 1800's for additional information. If you want a reference for the time of Ad Meliora, consider watching Bridgerton on Netflix. Trust me, you won't regret watching that show, I love it!

I'm sorry for the absence, by the way. I usually just need breaks between books for a bit, and got slammed with work for a bit. But I just had an unexpected summer vacation from work, much like I did last winter when I started TIABW, so I figured okay. I can take the hint to start at least one of the books.

So, here are the two choices at the moment: Ad Meliora or Frigid.

Just let me know here what you choose, or even ask here if you have any additional questions about either story option, but I also have another small request.

I'm still in need of cover art for both of these new books. I'm a writer, I'm absolutely horrendous at making cover art for my works. Those who were there at the very beginning might remember what the original art was for the book, and how absolutely terrible it was 🤣

So, if anyone here is willing to help me with the new cover art for either of these new books, please let me know! Some people have admitted it was the cover art that originally drew them to TIABW, so I'd hate to know they might not want to read Ad Meliora or Frigid just because I possibly fail at captivating cover art.

Anyways, thanks again for everything everyone! I'm still absolutely amazed by how well Trapped has done, I even saw it was eligible for the Watty's, which I've no idea what that means or if it's just because it's complete. But regardless, I love every single one of you who's read this story, and I hope to see you stick around for the new one!

I hope to see you either in Ad Meliora, or Frigid!

By the way, this chapter will likely be deleted or replaced upon the posting of whichever new story goes up, just to keep the story clean of unneeded author note clutter.

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