Butch's P.O.V

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Hey my wonderful, beautiful, amazing lovelies!!! I'm back with a new chappie. U guys liked last chappie and told me to update soon. So....guess what. I am!! Alright let's get started!!


"Damn it!!!" I yelled as I watched her leave. What he fuck is wrong with me?! I should have stopped yelling at her. God damn it!! I stood there. Doing nothing but look at the door. She was mad and I knew that but I was mad too. I actually have a right to be mad though. I mean she's the one that went in my room in the first place. My room! Not her's! But mine! No one should go in there but me! Unless I give them permission though. I shook my head. My head started to hurt from all my thoughts. It was just pounding and it wouldn't stop. Then I started to feel dizzy for some reason so I walked over to the couch and lied down. I lied there for a minute then slowly felt myself drift off. Eventually I fell asleep.

I awoke later and looked around. There was no sign of Bc. She must've went and stayed at one of her sister's dorms. I sighed and got up. I walked into the kitchen to grab a can of whatever there was but then I stopped when I heard a knock at the door. I quickly changed directions and walked to the door instead. The knocking continued as I approached the door but that wasn't the only thing I heard. I heard someone giggling. Well probably not a giggle but maybe just a small laugh. I grabbed the knob and opened the door. My eyes widened when I saw Bc and some guy. The dude had messy brown hair and light green eyes. Almost like Bc's eyes. He was wearing a black T-shirt with a orange jacket, black skinny jeans, and orange converse. (Have u guessed who it is? Lol) He was smiling at Bc and laughing as she laughed with him. "Umm...excuse me?" I said which made them look at me. "Oh yeah. Butch this is my friend Landon. Him and his girlfriend drove me here." Bc said walking past me and into the dorm. (Yep it was Landon!! Lol he wanted to be a main character in one of my main books. Don't worry though. I'll be in it too. Lol) "How come u didn't just drive yourself home?" I asked. "Well umm... She kind of wrecked her car on her way to my girlfriend Brittany's mom's house." He said rubbing the back of his head. "Then where is she?" "I'm right here." I turn my head and saw a tall girl with long wavy golden brown hair and hazel eyes walking towards us. She was wearing a light orange v-neck shirt with a light pink jacket, light pink skinny jeans, and light orange converse. She walked over to the Landon guy and he wrapped his arm around her. "Yeah when she called me she didn't really sound like herself. It sound like she was....crying. She doesn't really do that though. But then she told me what u did." She crossed her arms. I gulped. This girl was pretty but she was also pretty scary. She stared at me with this death stare I guess u could call it. It was scary though. I knew that for sure. "Yeah about that...um...." "I don't care! U need to go apologize to her now before I kick your ass!" Yep she's scary. I sigh. "Okay okay. That's what I was going to do anyways....do u guys want to come in or.." I asked but Landon interrupted me. "No..we go to go back to our dorm before it gets late." "Wait u guys go here too?" "Yeah we live downstairs in dorm number 267." Brittany said pulling out her light orange and pink phone. "Holy shit! Landon we got to go! Its almost 12!" She yelled running down the hallway. "Wait Britt!" Landon yelled running after her but stopped and turned around. "It was nice to meet u! But seriously u need to apologize to her! See u later bro!" And with that he ran down the hallway after Brittany.

I sigh and closed the door. I turned around to find Bc asleep on the couch. I sighed again and walked over to her. I kneeled down in front of her. "I'm sorry Bc. I didn't mean to yell at u. I was just that...u were being difficult and....I guess I went a little too far." I looked at her sleeping face. It was so peaceful looking. "I'm really sorry. I wish I didn't yell at u. That way u wouldn't have left. I really do feel bad. Although u did go in my room without permission, I didn't have the right to yell at u." I got up and pocked Bc up bridal style and carried her to her room. I opened the door and walked over to her bed lying her down in it. I covered her up and walked to the door. I opened it and looked her. "I'm sorry." I whispered and walked out closing the door behind me. I walked across the hall to my room and opened the door. I walked in and changed into some black gym shorts and a black T-shirt. I then walked over to my bed and lied down slowly drifting into a peaceful slumber.


Hey my lovelies!! Hope u liked it and I hope u liked the song!! It was the first time I ever heard the song and now I love it! Yeah!!! #newfavsong lol. Well bye for now my lovelies!!!

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